Magical Recipe: Fast Luck oil


Ever been in a situation when you wished that your lucky star could shine a bit more brightly, just for these moments or hours? Ever wished for something to happen, rapidly, in order to come out of a difficult situation ?

Fast Luck oil as in Quick-fix!

Ever wished for a positive change, to increase your odds for a very recent opportunity? What is for all these (and even more !!!) purposes you can find a famous Hoodoo recipe (which is not exactly hoodoo but much more ancient) to try? There may be one…

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There is an ancient formula that may help you in these situations. This ancient recipe is both well known and well respected! It is considered so much powerful that even a series of other recipes rely on this basic one. It”s supposed to work with gamblers too, but the general idea is that brings a glimpse of heavenly luck to you, whenever it”s needed most. The key concept is that if something happened really recently and needs your interference, or you go out for a certain purpose and feel like you need more luck (and this is exactly why it”s suitable for gamblers, because it is not a planned success) you can use this oil and get even more confident.

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And now the Recipe of “Fast Luck!” All you have to do is mix on Tuesday, during waxing moon, 12 drops of Cinnamon with 12 drops Vanilla in 100ml of Sunflower oil. Pick a bottle bottle that represents luck (red is always preferable and you can also pick your lucky colour!). Stir clockwise twelve times visualising luck as a sparkling gold light energising your mix thus bringing you heavenly Luck! Store it in the bottle and every time you wish for more luck try it!

Important Note

Never apply essential oil of Cinnamon directly on your skin.

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