For many years I was keep reading tons of information about a widely reputed hoodoo oil manufactured by several brands (like Anna Riva, Indio Products, Lucky Mojo… and several more) and I was really curious to try it. What about the Follow me boy oil? It’s well known that some hoodoo formulas with the same name like “Follow me boy” are not consisted by the same materials. This is why they smell different. It’s up to the witch’s opinion to choose the best ingredients for the same effect.
What is the Follow me boy oil by Anna Riva?
So, I used Anna Riva’s oil in order to “assert my will” not to someone specifically(because I would consider it as dark magic) but in a way that I would be more confident and strong-willed. The effects of the specific oil really amazed me even with the few first drops. Despite the fact that the official brand of Anna Riva describes this specific oil that “should be used in court cases”, I found this oil really effective when you are dealing with almost everywhere in your everyday life. Use it to get your job done quickly in public services, when dealing with your boss, with your employees and generally with everyone you want to be taken seriously.

Don”t be misled with the descriptions of the oils and not even their names. You’ve probably heard already so much about it. Anna Riva’s “Follow me Boy” oil is so effective that I now use it with real caution. I recommend the same thing with you.
Be wise when you use it and never, never to step on someone else”s will. It”s very easy for someone who uses this oil to be overconfident and use it to intervene to someone else”s free will. This is the major disadvantage of this oil. That despite you want to use it only to make yourself more shiny and confident in the morning at work, your might alter someone”s will in the afternoon (if you dont shower of course) while you get your lunch in a friendly environment. Respect everyone”s free will. Work on yourself and not on others. Karma records everything. Be wise.
IN FEW WORDS: Anna Riva”s “Follow me boy” oil is a really effective commanding oil. Use it to bring to yourself confidence and get the attention through a very difficult day, especially when you deal with many people.
You can get the Anna Riva’s Follow me boy oil ,here!
Don’t use it to bend someone’s will in purpose. This is Black Magic. Never try it.