When to cast the spell to Increase a Man’s Virility?
Sex is probably one of the greatest pleasure in life. A Man’s virility and sexual potency is, obviously, fairly important for the best enjoyment of the procedure. Everyday stress, depression and other factors can endanger it though. Here we are going to see a spell to help you increase yours or your lovers virility.
Of course, if you have a physical, psychological or mental health problem that encumbers your virility and erectile function seek the help of a proper health care professional and perform the spell as an extra help. Also, if you have a malevolent spell or a hex that binds it, then it’s better to break that spell and then perform this one.
You can cast this spell any time of the year, but casting it on Beltane (1st of May) will provide even greater results. Beltane is considered a Magical Day of intense sexuality. A day most appropriate for any kind of sex magic and fertility spells. If you cast it any other time of the year, it’s better to do so during a Waxing Moon and start on a Tuesday.
Read more about Sabbaths here:
- What is the Great Rite of Witchcraft? How to perform it in your home
- Witch’s Sabbats – all you want to know
What you need for the spell:
- A square piece of white paper
- Dragon’s Blood ink
- Dragon’s Blood resin
- Dragon’s blood oil or Passion Flower oil
- one red candle
- a charcoal disk for incense burning
- a fire proof censer
How to cast the Spell to Increase a Man’s Virility:
Using the Dragon’s Blood ink draw on the piece of paper the sigil show in the picture. On the back side of the paper write your data (that is your name and your birthday).

Using one of the oils mentioned dress the candle, starting from the middle of the candle to the wick towards you. Then, turn the candle around and anoint it from the middle of the candle to its bottom towards you again. Doing this you embody to the candle your wish of sexual virility and stamina.
Place the resin on the lit charcoal disk and light the candle.
Place the sigil under the censer.

Summon the God/Spirit/Angel of your choice. Given the day, Dionysus would be an considerable choice, although I wouldn’t recommend him as he is very strict.
Should I mention that in Euripides’ Bacchae, Dionysus not only punished the ones that didn’t respect him, but also those that thought they were honouring him, but in a way he didn’t think to be proper. Use the Orphic hymn, if you want to call him, in your own risk. God Agni can be another God you can call upon, and you may use the Agni gayatri mantra written in the post about Lord Agni in this site (repeat the mantra 27 or 108 times). Alternately read one or several hymns of the Rig Veda dedicated to him.
The visualisation:
Then meditate for about fifteen minutes visualising yourself having the virility and stamina you desire. Don’t demand from yourself to become aroused at the moment. Just know that from now on this will be your own ability. Take notice of the individual sense in your body that will prove to you that what you are doing has already started working.
Then open your eyes, thank the God/Spirit/Angel you have called upon and blow – yes blow – the candle. Repeat every other day till you have the results you desire.
I usually blow the candles, although many disagree with this method as they believe this to be offensive to the fire. I think the opposite is true, as the spirits of fire and the spirits of air like each other and cooperate very well. Even more during the Beltane season when the Air marries the Fire.
Please do remember: This ritual is not supposed to replace any treatment you already do, in case your problem is of medical nature. Instead continue the treatment your doctor suggested, and this ritual will make your way much easier.
That’s all. Have fun, and enjoy your sex life!