(continuing the Absolute Beauty spell. First Part here)
Phase 2 – Finding the beauty you have
Now, the second step in achieving your goal is to find and appreciate the parts of your goal you already have. In this case, to find and appreciate how beautiful you already are. The second phase of the spell starts the night after the Third Quarter and goes on until the New Moon.
Prepare the room as during the first phase, but put the white candle in the place of the black (the black should have finished burning, if not then let it burn to its end, but put the philtre next to the white candle). And also have a mirror inside the beauty circle.
Shower and scrub yourself as you did the first day of the first phase. Then go into the room. Start the procedure as you did all the previous days.
Then light the white candle saying:
“I light this candle to clear off any remaining ugliness and help me see my beauty”.
Then say three times:
“The foul marks and ugliness, I now drive out, but everything that is good on me forever shall remain. The Sun, the Moon, and all the Stars my uncouthness, from my feet and my hands and my entire body, do now drive out, for I was born to be happy in each and every way. The fierceness in myself, in my body or my face, I now strike away with my spell. May (the name of your helper) beautify me in the most perfect way.”
(It’s the same incantation, but you say it three times)
Now close your eyes and relax and let your helper, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars beautify you. Don’t force the change, just allow them to do what they believe is the best for you, and just feel them acting on you. When you feel they have completed whatever they wanted to do for today, open your eyes.
Remember to keep the incense burning during the whole procedure. Now look yourself in the mirror and find every beautiful characteristic in your face and body. Take as much time as you need doing this. Be happy and thankful for your beauty.
Then continue looking at the collection of pictures in your box as you did during the first phase. The time you should offer to the mirror and the pictures should be at least one hour or even more if you feel more like it.
Then put the pictures and the prayer back to their box, thank your helper, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars and extinguish the beauty candles, and continue as you did all the previous days. Remember to let the white candle burning and keep the philtre always next to the white candle.
During the second phase scrub yourself at least once more. The days you don’t scrub, use the philtre.
Phase 3 – The growing beauty
You have already dedicated about 14-15 days in the procedure so you have already achieved some changes. It is now time to realise your growing beauty and empower the changes. This phase starts the night after the New Moon and ends in the night of the First Quarter.
Prepare the room as usual, but instead of the white candle put the rose (or whatever you have chosen) candle. The philtre should be next to the rose candle.
Shower, scrub, and start the procedure as you are, by now, accustomed to and then light the rose candle saying:
“I light this candle to help my growing beauty, grow even more!”
Then say seven times:
“The Sun, the Moon and all the Stars have beautified my body and face, and for this I am thankful. So please continue your good job and let my beauty grow and shine even more. I was born to be happy in each and every way, and now with my growing beauty I am achieving this goal of mine. Oh (name of the helper) thank you for your precious help and all of your blessings. Oh, yes, make me even more beautiful in the most perfect way”.
Now close your eyes and relax and let your helper, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars beautify you. Don’t force the change, just allow them to do what they believe is the best for you, and just feel them acting on you. When you feel they have completed whatever they wanted to do for today, open your eyes.
Remember to keep the incense burning during the whole procedure. Now look yourself in the mirror and notice all the beneficial changes that have happened in your looks. It doesn’t matter how small or great they are. Be happy and thankful for them and, if you are so, they will grow to perfection.
Then continue with looking to the pictures of your box as you did during the previous phases. The time you should offer to the mirror and the pictures should be at least one hour and as much more as you feel nice.
Then put the pictures and the prayer back to their box, thank your helper, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars and extinguish the beauty candles, and continue as you did all the previous days. Remember to let the rose candle burning and keep the philtre always next to the rose candle.
During the third phase scrub yourself at least once more. The days you don’t scrub, use the philtre.
Phase 4 – Finishing touches
The last phase in achieving any goal is feeling and realising that you have already achieved it. And in a plane you indeed have achieved it. By accepting that and realising that, you allow the goal to manifest – if it hasn’t already done so – in the material plane. So, it is time to realise that you have become the beautiful, shining, youthful person you wanted to become. This phase starts the night after the Third Quarter and ends in the night of the Full Moon.
Prepare the room as usual, but instead of the rose candle put the golden one. The philtre should be next to the golden candle. You won’t need the mirror for this phase.
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enchant your appearence with the Ultimate Beauty Spell! a wonderful picture by JanineMelanie |
Shower, scrub, and start the procedure as you are accustomed to and then light the golden candle saying:
“I light this candle to let my perfect beauty shine in this world for me and all to see!”
Then say seven times:
“The Sun, the Moon and all the Stars have beautified my body and face, and for this I am thankful. So please continue your good job and let my beauty grow and shine even more. I was born to be happy in each and every way, and now with my perfect beauty I have achieved this goal of mine. Oh (name of the helper) thank you for your precious help and all of your blessings. Oh, yes, make me even more beautiful in the most perfect way”.
(It is not exactly the same incantation with the previous one)
Now close your eyes and relax and let your helper, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars beautify you. Don’t force the change, just allow them to do what they believe is the best for you, and just feel them acting on you. When you feel they have completed whatever they wanted to do for today, open your eyes. Remember to keep the incense burning during the whole procedure.
Now look at the pictures of the box as you did all the previous days, and also realise how much closer you already are to the beauty you are seeing in these pictures, and know with all yourself that you are being even closer day by day.
Now close your eyes and visualise yourself being this perfectly beautiful person in your eyes and in the eyes of everybody. Feel truly happy and thankful for your success and know that it has happened. Not that it will happen, but that it has already happened.
The picture staring and the visualisation should last at least an hour long and even more if you prefer.
Then put the pictures and the prayer back to their box, thank your helper, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars and extinguish the beauty candles, and continue as you did all the previous days. Remember to let the golden candle burning and keep the philtre always next to the golden candle.
During the fourth phase scrub yourself at least once more. The days you don’t scrub, use the philtre. At the night of the Full Moon, let all the candles safely burn out by themselves. After that day, if you have any more scrub, use it any day you want, and also use the remaining of the philtre daily (unless you have scrubbed) until it finishes, and say the incantation of the fourth phase while you are doing so. Once or twice a week offer some time looking at the pictures of your box, reading your prayer and giving thanks to those that helped you achieve your goal. The power of the spell will continue acting on you for really long time, so, if you want to even more develop your beauty, repeat the spell after at least six months. But if you want you can make some more of this scrub to use it anytime.
Remember that the true purpose behind becoming more beautiful is becoming happier. If you don’t perform this spell bearing this in your mind, but let’s hypothesise, to be more appealing to another person, then don’t do it at all, as it will have minimal or no results.
Have a very nice and a very happy life, and be the most beautiful, charming and shining person you are!
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Discover, Play, Love!
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