Vedic Spells : How to gain more Wealth, Divine Protection & Guidance

Vedic Magic & Spells - A spell for protection, wealth and divine guidance

Vedic Spell for Protection Wealth Divine Guidance
Vedic Spell for Protection Wealth Divine Guidance

The Vedic spell I am going to give you here is based on the 26th Hymn of the first book of Atharva Veda. The purpose of the spell is to grant us protection, wealth (and other blessings), as well as, divine guidance in our lives.

You may have read the Vedic Spells : How to Reverse Bad Luck in our magazine. This one takes us one step further. The first is for overcoming bad luck and receiving the blessings, while this one intends to protect you and to help you move you forward in your progress. Therefore, you may want to start with the Reversing and then continue with this spell. You can also cast them in combination. A good suggestion is to perform the How to Reverse Bad Luck during the waning moon and this one during the waxing moon. 

The Vedic Hymn – Atharva Veda, Hymn 1.26:

Firstly, let me give you the translation of the hymn in English, as given by Ralf Griffith. Then, I am going to explain how to alter the hymn, to use it according to your Pantheon.

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Let that Destructive Weapon be far distant from us, O ye Gods; far be the Stone ye wont to hurl.

Our friend be that Celestial Grace, Indra and Bhaga be our friends, and Savitar with splendid Wealth. 

Thou, Offspring of the Waterflood, ye Maruts, with your sun-bright skins, give us protection reaching far. 

Further us rightly, favour ye our bodies with your gracious love. Give thou our children happiness.

How to alter it:

First of all, let us see the divine beings that are summoned. They are, the Destructive Weapon, the Stone (that Gods hurl), the Celestial Grace, Indra, Bhaga, Savitar, the Offspring of the Waterflood and the Matuts (or Marutas).

The Destructive Weapon and the Stone the Gods hurl are both the Thunder. Just remember that Thunder is not only destructive for the Hinduism. In the first verse, the two destructive aspects of the thunder represent the dangers that come from both the world and the Gods or Spirits. So, maybe, instead of the “Destructive Weapon” we can say “danger” and instead of “the Stone ye wont hurl” we can say “your rage”.

The Celestial Grace, is of course the Grace. Lord Indra is the King of the Devas (deities), lord of rain and yielder of the thunderbolt. He can be considered as a symbol of power. Lord Bhaga is a solar deity who represents the light and the brilliance, and he is a bestower of wealth. Lord Savitar is also a solar deity. He represents the Sun himself, or the essence of the Sun.

The Offspring of the Waterflood can be either be Lord Agni, the God of Fire, or the Thunder. If the verse refers to Thunder, then here is called upon in a more benevolent aspect. Thunder is one of the three forms of Lord Agni of course. I believe that in this verse, the hymn intents to summon Lord Agni himself. That is because usually he is the one that is summoned with the Marutas (or the Great Lord Siva/Rudra).

Finally, the Marutas are sons of Great Lord Rudra and gods of the winds and windstorms.

Now, once again I would like to underline that the Veda usually express the maximum blessing as the blessing of our children. Therefore, the last verse asks from the Gods to provide us with the ultimate happiness, by giving happiness to our children.

A Universal edition of the Hymn:

Having explained these few things, I’ll make an attempt to assign the Vedic Gods to the Universal Powers.

So, a universal way to say the hymn would be like that: 

Let every danger be far away from us; oh Divine Spirits, may far from us be your rage.

Our friend be the Celestial Grace, the Power and the Light be our friends and the Sun with splendid Wealth.

You Fire and you Air give us protection reaching far.

May you, oh Powers of the Universe, further us rightly and favour our bodies with gracious love. Give us every happiness.

Of course you may use your own believes to change the hymn as you want. If you want to use another Pantheon, try to understand the meaning of the Gods, in order to find the best fitting Gods.

If you want to empower the spell, do it for a week or three, by reading it three times each morning and each evening while burning some sandalwood and jasmine.

That’s all! Have fan and live a happy life!

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