Planet Vibes: Elder Full Moon, December 17 2013

Planet Vibes
Elder Full Moon, December 17 2013
astrology and magic

Yule is coming, the Solar king (in the Northern Hemisphere) is going to die only to be reborn with all his glory the next morning, while only 4 days before this most important day of the year, the Lady of the Night, the Moon, is at her full glory magnifying and digging up what really happened the past 12 months. The energy of this Full Moon is really great.

Elder Full Moon was for the Celts a thrill seeker period, rough and powerful, not suitable for the faint-hearted witches and mages. This is the time to see things clearly. Oh and one more thing. Right next to the Full Moon and only for few day, no planet is going to be retrograde. Dust off your magic wands witches… here comes the Great Game of reforming our planets’ energies. Time to show everybody what benevolent magic can do. 
What we should really inform you is that right on this degree, Moon meets with Al Hecha, a powerful and potentially dangerous fixed star, with Martian qualities. Quarrels and potential accidents may occur during this full moon, yet is also considered fortunate granting everyone who taps into its radiation, wealth and power. 
Magic favoured during this Full Moon: Cleansing rituals, exorcism, defensive magic, energy magic, money magic and of course preparation for the upcoming Sabbath, the Yule for the Northern and Litha for the Southern Hemisphere. 
Aries: Friends, relatives and social gathering are the tree major sectors in your life that need more attention during the days of the Full Moon. Although this Full Moon is considered fortunate for you, you may not clearly understand that while the Lunar powers are at their pick. Keep calm and open your eyes for romantic opportunities.
Taurus: Money makes the your world go around these days my beloved Taurus. This is because the great Lady of the Night shines upon your pockets and your personal belongings. Judging by where the planet stand right now, is going to be a very interesting month for your financial status. Money come and go. 
Gemini: You know that already. This full Moon makes you shiny but anxious too. All those things that happened the past year were finding their way to the surface, especially the last month. Now the time has come for decisions and important announcements. Be ready. Everything is going to be OK!
Cancer: Your heart beats in a very strange way the last year and mixed feelings flood your soul. Feelings of love, feelings of lost and desperation but also feelings of optimism and a very special feeling that everything in this world shows you clearly your bright future is coming. Stay positive. Keep Love in your heart. 
Leo: Social status and friends from the past are coming to remind you who you are and how important you are to others. By this way you tend to perceive a piece of yourself that you probably lost the last year. Love is in the air. The only thing you have to do is reach out and grab it. But once you grab it, try to keep it!
Virgo: Your career and your everyday life in your job’s environment is pretty weird the last day as it was in a way the whole past year. You are progressing but in some way this frightens you. Take clear and strong decisions. Opportunities are coming but you have to choose which one really favours you and which doesn’t! 
Libra: Your romantic life is having a push forward and you kinda feel more sexy day by day. Well you already are so beautiful and you have to know that in you heart. Every Libra keeps beauty in his/her heart and this your secret power. Charm and charm some more. 
Scorpio: The time for rejuvenation has come and your soul receives energy feedback from Cosmos. The truth is that you still have some challenging months ahead but you already feel the difference deep inside your heart. Your may feel emotionally depleted but this is only because of Cronos – Saturn, transiting your sign. You’ve already learned so much the past months and this is the Saturnian gifts. Make good use of them.
Sagittarius: The cosmic powers focus on you and your really close relationships. Your attention is fixed on your other half (if it exists or how to find it if it doesn’t). You may miss the importance of yourself and this is something you have to work with right now. You have to re-evaluate who you really are and face with confidence the future!
Capricorn: Your health and your everyday life receives a very large amount of energy. If you have any kind of medical problem try to face it (with your medical doctors first!). This is a great opportunity to enter the new year free from fears and lies. You are getting stronger!
Aquarius: Love is in the air, and you are ready to work your charms all over again. Dust off your lucky t-shirt and hit a bar with much confidence, sexual magnetism, the one you only possess. This year was a bit tough on you but you also gained so much experience. 
Pisces: The walls of your home, your sweet home, are “shaked” by the energy of this Full Moon. Try to keep calm and end possible quarrels right before they even start. This energy can be manipulated for benevolent purposes. Reform anything you want and build your true palace, with material or spiritual qualities.  
  Blessed be!

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