How to find your Magic Name. Your true identity

How to find your Magic Name. Your true identity

Many magical traditions, if not all of them, emphasize the power of the (true) name. It is believed that if a mage knows the true names of objects – human, spirit, element, or an actual object – he has greater control over them. A magic name (or magical name) serves one of the two following purposes, if not both, depending on the school and tradition. The one is to affiliate the mage or the witch to a secret true name, so that nobody else would know it, and therefore they will be more protected against magic from enemies.

Purpose of Magic Name

The other purpose is to help the mage or the witch to connect with their true identity in order to help them express their magic to its fullest potential. Either way, your magic name holds a tremendous power, so, do not share it with anyone you do not trust completely. In this article we are going to focus on the latest part. We will see how to realise our true spiritual mission for this life of ours on Earth, and then see a way of turning this mission to a name; our magic name.

Step 1. The power of Birth

The first thing we need to do is to determine our birth number. (See here the power of the Birthday) This can easily be found from our birth date by summing all its digits until we reach a one-digit number. For example, if you have been born on November 10, 1981, then your birth number is 4 because: 1+0+1+1+1+9+8+1 = 22, 2+2=4.

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Step 2. Meditation

Now comes the most important part. Go into a meditative state. If you don’t know how to do it, you can simply perform the Balancing Breathing exercise with your eyes closed, until your mind is relaxed, clear and focused. When you have achieved a nice meditative state, ask your wise inner self

“What is my purpose for this life?”

Then let your mind show you the answer. It usually comes in the form of images, and these images are symbolic. So, do not judge these images from the beginning, just let them flow freely, until you reach a clear conclusion. When the time has come, you will know it and will clearly realise it. You will feel it, so do not rush it. It may take some time to become clear to you, or even it may take more than one sessions.

Step 3. Numbers and letters have power

Whenever the realisation becomes clear, you are ready for the next step. If your mother tongue uses the Latin alphabet, you are quite lucky. The same goes for the Greek alphabet as well. Use the following indexes to help you.

For the Latin alphabet, according to some options the order of some letters swaps, but if you don’t trust such schools, then you can use this order.

For the Greek alphabet, there is also the possibility to use the ancient arithmetic system as well, but this system is almost as ancient, and in my personal opinion more trustworthy for finding your magic name.

If your mother tongue is not based on the Latin alphabet, but can give the letters of the alphabet a numeric value, use these numeric values. If this is not the case, I suppose that there are local traditions to provide you with a system to determine your magic name. If you don’t know them, the best thing I can suggest is to try to create your magic name in your language but written in a latinize form.

how to find your magic name

Now, whichever system you trust, try to create a name expressing your purpose on Earth. Then find the value of this name by summing the values of its letters, until you reach a single digit number. This number should be the same as your birth number. If not, keep changing the way you express your purpose until you can find a proper name.

When you do so, think of it. Do you like the sound? Is it you? If not, try to find a better one. If yes, then this is your magic name.

Since you have not used any ritual to affiliate this name with yourself, then it has little if any spell casting value over you, but it is still a reminder of your purpose, of your true essence. What I mean by that is that, if anybody casts a spell on you using your magic name instead of your given name, the spell won’t have enough power to act on you. But, you can use this magic name of yours when you are casting spells or performing rituals in addition to your given name, for more power. Meditate on it often, and ask your inner self  how you can express yourself as it states.

Step 1

So, John Dunbar has been born on November 10, 1981 and as seen before, his birth number is 4.

Step 2

Now, John Dunbar meditates on his purpose for this life of his. Let’s say that during his meditation he sees himself under the moonlight in a forest dancing accompanied by wolves.

Step 3

So he thinks, let’s say that my magic name is Dancing With The Wolves. He goes to the given index and gives the numeric value to each letter.

D=4, A=1, N=5, C=3, I=9, N=5, G=7, W=5, I=9, T=2, H=8, T=2, H=8, E=5, W=5, O=6, L=3, V=4, E=5, S=1.

Summing this up, gives a total of 97, 9+7=16, 1+6=7, so this cannot be his magic name. Therefore, he expresses the same meaning differently. Maybe Dances With Wolves. Now, this is:

D=4, A=1, N=5, C=3, E=5, S=1, W=5, I=9, T=2, H=8, W=5, O=6, L=3, V=4, E=5, S=1.

The new name sums up at 67, 6+7=13, 1+3=4, which is his birth number, so his magic name is Dances With Wolves!

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