The great horoscope of 2016


So this is Christmas and what have we done? Another year is over definitely but it wasn’t a regular one as many changes that occurred during the last year are going to affect our world for the next 10 years. The really strong and kinda malevolent eclipses of last September were so strong that created a powerful tide trying to wash off many problems of this world but frequently in a really violent way.

On the other hand, Jupiter from Virgo will boost the advances in Medicine which are going to help many people’s everyday life. From Virgo, Jupiter will help us focus in Joy and Affection we get from routine and will help us understand to Live for NOW!

2016 at a glance! 2016 is a year which finds the mutable cross (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces) really empowered as Jupiter”s new position in Virgo brings opportunities in new plans while Saturn”s new position in Sagittarius will cause all these signs to take responsibilities more carefully and find difficult solutions which will ultimately change their lives. Earth Signs receive most of Jupiter”s benevolent impact (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn) although Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces) will also feel His lucky touch too! Gemini & Sagittarius are the two signs which are going to be mostly affected by the new position of Saturn by giving them new Responsibilities but also giving them the opportunity to build a stronger base for their lives while also helping them to get rid of anything that holds them back. The two other Fire signs (Aries & Leo) may find themselves working harder than the last year but they are also going to create more. For the two other Air signs (Libra & Aquarius) 2016 will be a more stabilising year.

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Aries Better is so many Ways, yet work comes first! Things are getting better year after year and once again you”ll have to work hard. Comparing to the previous year, the new one is much better although this does not mean that your path would be filled with roses. There are many times of this year when you will have to take hard and difficult decisions and you would probably feel that nothing at all is stable in your life. Thankfully this feeling will not last long and things are going to change. Jupiter”s new position in Libra from September 2016 will ultimately change what you feel about your career and your job as new opportunities will rise. From that time you will have to be extra careful to spot them and make good use of them. It will be a very important time for you and you will have the power to change your life and evolve in many ways. Autumn of 2016 will also be a very good period to get married or expand your family with a newborn child. So come on, be a little more patient, and prepare for what”s coming! Magical Advice: Divination can be a powerful tool to assist you with the choices you need to make. Remember to accept the piece of advice that is given to you and not use your ego to reject it. Magical Plant: Bay laurel, to enhance your divination skills, remove all negativity and put your ego where it belongs.

Taurus A new life awaits! 2016 finds you relieved in so many ways as Saturn”s heavy burden has been magically lifted. This of course does not mean that right now your life feels like a paradise but it does mean that the Cosmos will be more gentle with you. Even if you don”t believe me right now you will definitely understand that as time goes on. Of course there are many things that can be altered or can even be enhanced in order to make your life better this year. For example, your financial status may receive some pressure but this may only be beneficial as you haven”t yet explored all opportunities. In general, 2016 is going to be a much better year compared to the previous two years yet there”s a piece of advice that I want to give you. Neglecting yourself means that you have also neglected your precious relationships, friends or relatives. During this year, you will leave these relationships and renew them. Heal what needs to be healed and open your heart to love. For all the single ladies and gentlemen, you are going to have an enhanced Libido as Jupiter may help you get lucky in so many ways. So what are you waiting for? Celebrate the new year! Magical Advice: Beauty and rejuvenation spells are a must in order to boost your confidence and renew your energy. Magical Plant: Vanilla to surround your self with the necessary affection in order to heal your wounds and love yourself as much as possible.

Gemini Responsibilities should come first! It is weird but once again you are here, stuck with various problems and you feel guilty letting others mess up your life. Déjà vu! Although, these difficult circumstances create an unbearable feeling most of the times Jupiter will bless your life via your home and family. Finding inner peace and satisfaction when your Home”s door closes is an amazing gift which you will learn to cherish during the New Year. You will definitely need to take care of your partnerships and all major relationships (marriage included). From Autumn of 2016, you will learn to love your life more and chase interesting experiences with new people. You are now at the start of something really great. You will have the opportunity to see how you could be happy, yet right now it is not the proper time to spoil yourself in luxuries and meaningless experiences. You should learn to tell the difference between dream and reality and try to build your future on a stable ground. This does not mean that you should not take care of yourself. On the contrary, in order to balance the heavy influence of Saturn you should find the fine line between satisfaction and exaggeration. Magical Advice: Count your blessings and learn to be grateful. The more you cherish your life the more you will receive. Being cranky will not lead you anywhere! Magical Plant: Yarrow to heal past scars and boost your confidence. Luck favours the courageous and freedom is achieved when living your life without fear!

Cancer You are evolving in multiple ways! The new Year finds you exhausted emotionally & psychologically, as if someone surgically removed happiness from your heart the last years. 2016 does not want you to stay like that and promises you many interesting changes, but first things first. Saturn”s new position affects your health and your vitality. It seems that all this emotional imbalance has been apparently materialised in your body. Please make sure to consult with your doctor if any kind of health issue occurs. But 2016 is mostly a benevolent year for you. Jupiter”s new position from Virgo will create a new Social Matrix expanding your circle in unimaginable ways. This will make you care most about your social image but it will also bring benefits and solutions in problems you were facing the past few years. Just as a guardian Angel can give a magical solution to your problems, you will notice that people around you can play a similar role. Magical Advice: Open up to the Universe and seek Guidance for all things that matter to you the most. Change is a choice. Magical Plant: Benzoin resin. Burn frequently to raise your vibrations and remove unnecessary thought forms and stagnant energies.

Leo Progress and abundance along with hard work What is happening right now is difficult to explain. On one hand, you feel that work is even more important right now and responsibilities increase the amount of energy you will have to spend every day. All this trouble you”ll have to go through will not be in vain. Your efforts will be fruitful and you will understand that day by day you are creating a better life for you. Just please bear in mind that hard work does not mean that you will have to sacrifice every joy in your life. Most importantly it does not mean that you will have to sacrifice Love as this is the key to everything. Jupiter”s new position in Virgo tries to create abundance in your life and brings many opportunities for you to do so. There would definitely be time when you will believe exactly the opposite (January & February of 2016). From Autumn of 2016, Jupiter will bless your life more affectively returning optimism in your heart. You live to be adored and this is what this new Year will bring to you. Your throne starts to shine once again. You are on highway to Success! Magical Advice: Open up your heart to Love and Abundance. Spells and prayers for success, love and abundance will not remain unanswered. Magical Plant: Vervain, the Druid”s Beloved Herb. Use it in your love and success spells to remove all obstacles and always have a favourable outcome.

Virgo Steady Progress and Opportunities You”ve been through hell and we all know you got the ashes to prove it. The scars in your heart are still drenched with pain and tears but the Dawn of 2016 shines upon a new path for your life. The is a magic wand right behind you which works miracles, slowly but steadily. The truth is that you will feel helpless in many ways during March, April and May but there are also many aces in your sleeve that you can play at the right time. Nothing is the same as before. Now it”s time to walk the brand new shining path. Jupiter will stay in your sign – thus blessing you with opportunities and expanding everything – while from September 2016 will enter Libra focusing his magical powers in your finances. Material growth means emotional stability for you, therefore even the new position of Jupiter will be good for you. Just please understand that overworking is not the answer. Be ready to express your creative self but do not exaggerate. Balance is the key! Magical Advice: Weave your magic to create a more balanced life for you. The better you feel with yourself and your surroundings the more you magical aptitude will grow. Patience and expression are the keys. Magical Plant: Milk Thistle, nourish the body and the soul, remove all that scares you and release blockages that promote imbalance.

Libra Keeping Calm and Carrying on successfully There is something about the dangerously adventurous effect of Mars, the God of War, which makes you nervous the past years. It seems like He intentionally tried to bring imbalance in your life the past months. Thankfully 2016 successfully negotiated truce for you guys and peace will prevail in your lives – even if not completely it will begin to ! … This truce is preparing for you something really great and you begin to feel it. Your heart and your emotional status somehow is fixed and your dreams symbolically predict a change! From September of 2016 Jupiter will enter your sign and everything will magically change. Jupiter”s intense energy will try to expand your life and will bring opportunities in so many ways. Sextile of Saturn from Sagittarius it will create a perfect time to act and chase what you”ve always wanted. Till then, make up you mind and be ready to ask from Cosmos what you really really want! Magical Advice: Spells for peace, love and an expansion of your heart chakra can really work miracles in a loving and caring manner. The one who treads slowly treads carefully. Magical Plant: Passion flower to create a peaceful life and home and instil passion in your life to become more creative with the things that you enjoy the most.

Scorpio Nothing looks the same, not even you. Light lives in you! Everyone around you know what you”ve been through the past years. But somehow, your face looks much different lately. What has really happened remains a mystery for most of us, even for you! You certainly feel that the heavy burden of Saturn has been lifted and your heart shines with hope once again. Your friends stand by you, more powerful than ever and able to give you a helping hand. Take that hand and stand up. Stand up and look at your life like never before. Although hard work is almost certain for most of 2016, you will not feel as tired as you felt the past years. This is because your heart is opening to Love and Greatness and you are now more certain that success is really really close. So work and let Jupiter do his magic from September 2016 blessing you soul and magical powers. A powerful Wizard awakens… you! Magical Advice: Declutter with everything unwanted and unnecessary. Fill the void with everything that makes you happy and brings you closer to your heart”s desire. Magical Plant: Sage to cleanse all unwanted energies and fill you with acceptance and wisdom, the gift that life experiences brings.

Sagittarius Responsibility doesn”t have to feel like a heavy burden! There are two sides of everything and certainly there are two qualities of Saturn”s “camping” in your sign. Let”s be frank. Saturn does not suit your optimistic character and it somehow shuts down your Ultimate power and greatest ally of yours, your superhuman thirst for Life! It looks like you have left behind all these along with your adventurous nature. Saturn insists on taking more responsibilities and deal with all these issues which you intentionally avoid to deal in the past. Even if you feel exhausted, opportunities lie in your Career and you will have to understand that chasing what”s good for you is indeed essential for your evolution although you have to keep track of where you spend your energy. Finding quality time for you can help you replenish your vitality. You will have the opportunity to find more things that amuse you and brighten your spirit. So hold on, focus on your responsibilities and be confident. Magical Advice: The more you raise your vibration and open up to the Great Teacher”s, aka Saturn, lessons the easier you will accept change in your life. Remember: What Resists Persists! Magical Plant: Mistletoe, the great plant that connects you with Higher Forces and is able to help you make the right changes in your life.

Capricorn A Golden time for you apart from feelings of loneliness There is a very good chance this year to be one of the most fruitful years of your life. Creativity will lead a major role in your evolution as your will to do more will find fertile soil in the opportunities which will rise. Pluto brings all the passion and power to transform your life although the past years his restrictive influence forced you to isolate from emotional turbulence. You thought that by creating a frozen exterior to isolate you from strong emotional stimuli would keep you safe but it caused exactly the opposite. Right now you possess the Wisdom to understand all this and change it. Jupiter from friendly Virgo will expand your spirituality and give all you need to face your darkest demons and free yourself from them, forever! Jupiter in Autumn will bring interesting opportunities in your career which can help you develop a more shining Social status. We know you want it 🙂 Just one advice. Keep in touch with the ones you love. Magical Advice: All spells that promote your career, create abundance and promote your wellbeing will receive an extra boost this year. Magical Plant: Moonwort to create abundance in your life and manifest your wishes.

Aquarius Challenging but also promising There is something very important for you and you probably know it so far. For you, your friends and the ones you love play always a decisive role in what you should choose. Right now, you may feel isolated as the effect of Saturn will try to filter all your relationships and challenge your Achilles” heel, your social Status. Maybe your most intense fear is to end living alone and Saturn is really good on bringing your dark self on the surface, only to heal it. You may lose some friends but the good news is that Saturn”s influence will strengthen those relationships that deserve his blessings, making them eternal. Education and travelling abroad may be a source of abundance in Autumn of 2016. Till then, try to solve any financial issues as from September things are going to be much more promising. Clear you head, cleanse your Aura and your Life. Magical Advice: Keep in touch with your intuition. Your inner guidance will never fail you you only have to listen with an open heart and an open mind. Magical Plant: Rue to clear anything that is unnecessary and create a magical shield to remove all unnecessary influence from your life.

Pisces Partnerships: Trap or a Chance? Your Power lies in your ability to perceive the World in a much different way than all others do, especially now that Neptune stays in your sign (for so long). This power if not handled properly can create more problems that it can solve for you. When dealing with professional partnerships you need to keep your mind clear especially now with everything which happens in your career. You need to define what”s good for you and what”s not. What do you really want for yourself? Jupiter right across your sign makes it impossible not to focus on your personal relationships. This omen promises powerful changes in that sector of your life. If you are single this may mean that your romantic endeavours will be fruitful. Magical Advice: Fire up your Love life! Love spells and charms will work miracles for you. Always remember to be responsible for your actions. Magical Plant: Aplectrum, to attract the ideal partner for all single witches. Rosemary to bring forward youth and beauty to enchant and feel nice in your skin.

Blessed 2016!

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