7 easy ways to empower your spells & magic

7 easy ways to empower your spells

Do you sometimes feel that your spells take longer to manifest or even worse the results are not that promising? Do you feel that your spell-casting skills could be sharpened or even worse you lose your faith in Magic? These are some common question that all witches catch themselves to think especially during their younger years in the Craft. Therefore, let’s see here how we can empower our Magic!

It is true that the more experienced you are casting magical spells and rituals, the less are the chances that your spells won”t bring any meaningful results. Let”s explore easy ways that we -as a team- have identified that can bring your spellcasting to a different level.

1) No Mystery remains hidden to an open mind 

The more focused your mind is to the purpose of your spell, the easiest would be to manifest your heart”s desire. In our modern society we are bombarded with million different stimuli and impressions every single day. Even though most religions preach an uncomplicated life, we as human beings tend to complicate things. 

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The easiest way to focus your mind is to remove all unnecessary thoughts and feelings that can act as obstacles to a free flow channel of energy. Meditation is an excellent practice which can be adapted from Buddhism to meet our spiritual beliefs. The Key Principle is to remove all thoughts an ideas from your mind as a blank piece of paper. Before spellcasting try to remove all unnecessary thoughts and feelings and focus on what you wish to manifest. 

2) Raise your Vibrations

There is a reason why we ask you to smile while spell-casting. A Witch in a good mood is easier to raise his/her vibrations as happiness is a signal to the Universe that everything is going well and removes the great obstacle of fear. In addition, the assurance and calm that happiness brings let you connect better with the energies of the cosmos. Of course being in an eternal state of bliss can be a difficult task and make take a whole life to reach that state. In a simpler manner you can focus on the things that make you happy prior to spellcasting. Your Happiness and its Vibrations will weave into your spell and will channel a greater amount of energy. 

3)  Cleanliness is next to Godliness 

A simple way to unblock your energies reported in many magical practices is that of the Ritual Bath. A warm relaxing bath prior to spell-casting will help you calm and release all tension from your body and mind. Use epsom salts or common salt crystals with Essential Oils of your choice such as Lavender, Patchouli, Calendula, Frankincense or Myrrh.  A Ritual Bath can help the Witch, clear his/her Aura, balance body and spiritual energies and create a sense of warmth and calm which can improve greatly the result of your spells. Although not necessary, a lot of old grimoires suggested a ritual bath was taking place prior to any spell or ritual.   

4) Stand your Ground

Cleansing of the space where a magical ritual was taking place, is considered a sacred part of magical / religious ceremonies. It can be as easy as smudging herbs or sprinkling Holy Water to an area or as complicated as casting the Magical Circle. A Magical Circle not only acts as a protective shield from unwanted energies or “visitors” that may be attracted to your ritual, but acts as a great focal point of energies, the same way a magical battery would work.   

5)  Feet to the Ground, Head to the Clouds 

Visualisation and grounding are two necessary skills that empower all witches! Hence they need to practice as frequently as they can… the good thing is that it can be fun! The better and more complete we visualise the result of what we want to achieve, the easier would be to direct our mind and energy flow towards that goal. There are many different visualisation practices that you could start with, and the more you practise the better you will become at it – similar to daydreaming.

Let your fantasy guide you, but always use your mind as a compass to point you to the right direction. Visualisation which is being affected with negative feelings can easily turn into a nightmare, imagine if your mind manifested what you were afraid of. Discipline is the key!

Grounding on the other side is the practice which connects us with the physical world where everything we want to achieve manifests. The Key is to visualise what you want in the astral plane and bring it to the physical world through good grounding, the same way a Medium reaches to the “Other side” for messages to bring to our world. 

Grounding techniques vary and therefore try to find the one that best suits your personality and needs. (As a suggestion you can visit our technique here: ). Remember to ground yourself after each spell as it will help you ground to the physical world and return to your normal activities. 

6)  Diet and breathing

A detoxed & healthy body works more harmoniously with nature. Taking care of yourself is taking care of the Universe. This does not mean that you have to go on extreme measures in order to achieve that. Instead in a similar way to fasting you can prepare your mind and your body for a special event. Imagine how difficult it can be to cast a spell after eating a heavy and greasy fast-food meal. You will probably end up sleeping. 

Breathing is a natural and easy way to calm the body, help you focus and empower your magic. You can visit our suggested breathing technique, the breath of Magic here!

According to the Taoist traditions which have been incorporated with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, the Air we breathe energises the Lung Meridian which is probably the most important Meridian for the flowing of Chi. Chi is the Cosmic energy which flows in each and every one of us, in every mountain, lake, breeze, animal, virtually anything.

Chi is the energy which flows in everything in this worldAccording to the Taoist traditions which have been incorporated with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, the Air we breathe energises the Lung Meridian which is probably the most important Meridian for the flowing of Chi. Chi is the Cosmic energy which flows in each and every one of us, in every mountain, lake, breeze, animal, virtually anything. Chi is the energy which flows in everything in this world.  

7) A Witch Draws Power from Everything

When Casting spells, it is important to identify the source of power which you feel you can draw energy from.  Candles, crystals, herbs and spices, aromas, flowers, seashells, feathers, soil, seeds, memories, photographs, special items, colours and symbols speak to both your conscious and subconscious mind.

The more powerful you feel, the more powerful you are. Let your intuition guide you, when you select items of power, that can empower your spell. Feeling surrounded by items that are special to you, make you feel special. Even if you need to dress with ritual robes, tiaras and/or other jewellery or be naked, spell casting is a special time for you and is all about you!   

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