Magic Potion to shine like the Moon

The Craft of Magic Potions - A Magic Potion to shine like the Moon

Magic Potion to shine like the Moon
Magic Potion to shine like the Moon

The Craft of Magic Potions – A Magic Potion to shine like the Moon

We have seen that Lord Chandra, the Moon deity is of incomparable handsomeness. Here we are going to create a magic filter (magic potion) asking Him to help us achieve a beauty as brilliant as his. Before going on with the spell, I should underline that this spell can work for both men and women.

What you need for the potion:

The filter we are going to make is not for drinking purposes. We are going to use it on our face and body. The ingredients of the filter is just clean water and nothing more, but if you feel like doing so, add some herbs & teas you believe they can aid you to become more beautiful. Rose (click here for more information for Rose) for example, helps the skin to smooth, lavender (click here for more information for Lavender)  helps in removing pimples and in healing wounds, orange provides some brightness. But, once again, these are optional, as plain water is the only real ingredient you will need.

Magic Potion to shine like the Moon
Magic Potion to shine like the Moon

You will also need 8 orange or pink or white candles.

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Use orange candles to enhance your charms and your masculine handsomeness, use pink candles to enhance your allurement and your feminine beauty, or white candles to beautify your overall appearance.

If you want you can use some incense as well. Rock sugar, copal resin or rose incense are some quite harmonious choices with this spell.

The spell:

This spell needs 8 days to be completed, and you will start at the night of the First Quarter, leaving the ending during the night of the Full Moon.

While performing the spell wear only clothes and ornaments that you believe they make you look appealing or you can choose to do the spell naked.

Take about 500ml of water (about two cups) and have them in a bowl with a wide opening.

Light one of the candles and put is so that you, the bowl and the candle form a straight line. Do not have any other lights in the room, but if possible have the moonlight shining on you or on the water.

Then take some deep breaths and start imagining the Moon shining in you and in the water in front of you. While looking “in” the water feeling the Moon in it, repeat the following spell for 100 times.

“Glory to him who shines from the heavens for everybody to see, to the brilliant Chandra, who shines the light of the Sun in the darkness. 

Glory to the Brilliant One, to the Great One, to the Bewitching One, to Chandra. 

Everlasting Beauty, Great Beauty, I offer this water to you to make me shine like the Moon. Everlasting Beauty, Great Beauty, I offer myself to you to make me shine like the Moon. 

I am now the Moon. All glory to you!”

Give some time to yourself to relax and imagine your brilliant beauty. Then let the candle burn completely and cover the bowl.

Repeat the same procedure without changing the water every night. After the 8th night the filter will be ready.

Magic filter to shine like the Moon
Magic filter to shine like the Moon

How to use the filter:

Put the filter in a sprayer. Every day on waking up, get undressed and spray yourself with the filter. Let it air dry and then dress. Do the same at night. Do the same after bathing. If while waiting for it to dry you visualise yourself shining like the moon you’ll have even greater results.

Substituting the Deity:

It is possible that you don’t feel very close to Lord Chandra and you are wondering if you can still perform the spell. Well, most lunar deities are famous for their beauty and charm. The Egyptian lunar God Khonsu for example is considered to possess irresistible erotic charm, while Goddess Aphrodite of the Greek theology, or Venus of the Roman theology, is associated with the Moon and she is also a Goddess of Beauty.

Therefore, if you want, you may change Lord Chandra with a God or Goddess of beauty who is associated with the Moon. Avoid deities like Goddess Artemis, who although is of great beauty and related with the Moon, she, at the same time, is against sexual intercourses. Unless of course, this is what you want to achieve. Finally, you can just use the spell summoning the Moon itself if you don’t want to summon any deity.

That’s all! Have fun and always let your beauty shine!

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