Archetype Totem Animal: Owl, the wise


The Owl is maybe the most significant bird totem amongst Mages and Wizards along with the Crow and the Eagle decorating their Books of Spells, altars, magic tools even taking their magical names by using the Word Owl in many languages.

Owls in the Old Religion

  • Since the ancient times it is considered a very powerful animal, sacred to Goddess Athena (Minerva for the Romans), the Greek Goddess of wisdom, the Owl became the Bird of Wisdom.
  • Athena could appear in the form of an Owl to intervene with human matters. Maybe the wise nature of the Owl comes from the ability of the bird to turn her neck 180 degrees and observe everything that may or may not come towards her.
  • But it is not only sacred in the Greek and Roman Pantheon. Owl for the Ancient Egyptians is associated with the Kingdom of Dead Sun, the time when the Sun (Ra) has set and before he rises again. Thus, Owls were sacred to the Sun and watched over him during the time he sailed in the Underworld. Because of this aspect and connection with the Sun, Owls are utilized as a symbol in rituals of Winter Solstice and Ceremonies that include Blessing to the Dead.
  • Owl is also sacred to other Gods in different cultures like the Celtic and the Hindu.

Owls in the Animal Kingdom

In the Animal kingdom we could say that Owls are the night’s equivalent to Eagles. Both species respect each other”s territory. It is also known that the Owls and Crows don’t easily get together.

Owls in Witchcraft

In Witchcraft so important this animal is, that the Italian (roman) witchcraft took its name from this bird. Stregheria comes from the latin word Strix which means owl and strega is the italian witch. In esoterism & occultism those who have this Totem animal as a protector and patron have a talent in delivering messages, in psychic spying, in protective magic, in astral projection and in deepening in the mysteries of Witchcraft.

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Owl as Totem Animal

You may also want to deepen your knowledge in Owls as the animals to understand some of this Magical attributes of the Totem.

Those who have this Totem animal as a protector and patron have a talent in delivering messages, in psychic spying, in protective magic, in astral projection and in deepening in the mysteries of Witchcraft.

He or She who are associated with Owls, are natural born Mages and Witches.

Summoning the Spirit of Owls

Anyone can call the Archetype/Totem Spirit of Owls for Guidance. There are many ways to conjure / summon / invoke the Totem animal you are associated with.

Try This! You can get a picture of an Owl, light a white candle and try to communicate with the Totem Owl for help in: 

  • Scholarship in Mysticism, Sorcery and Witchcraft
  • Protection
  • Information
  • Astral Projection
  • Examine the Past, the Present and the Future
  • To deliver a message

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