Canada’s Ontario Police officers are Meditating


Meditating is considered a very effective technique on acquiring peace of mind and balance of emotions. Hundreds of studies have proven the benevolent effectiveness of Meditation in our minds and bodies. It seems that recently humanity may have found one more way to reduce violence and decrease the number of violent incidents.

Canada’s Ontario Police officers are Meditating
Canada’s Ontario Police officers are Meditating

Police + Meditation

On April 2016, Officers from Ontario’s Peel Regional Police joined a Buddhist temple (WEST END BUDDHIST TEMPLE: ) to practice on mindfulness meditation as initiates in Buddhist philosophy. 
“They were very nice and they liked it and they think it should be part of their daily practice,” Saranapala stated in The Huffington Post, Canada


Moreover, practitioners of Meditation are believed to achieve higher intellectual clarity and the ability to remain calm and focused when required. Instead of waiting for inevitable mistakes, Ontario’s police did something amazing. Their officers attended a course on Meditation in order to make them anger-proof and slowly – yet steadily – cultivate a more balanced way of living.
The Urban Buddhist Monk is now going to offer a similar course to Ontario Provincial Police officers. We really hope this will succeed! 

Discover, Play, Love!

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