How to See your Aura and the Colours

Easy way to see your aura and examine its colours. See what each colour means!


Aura is the Energy vibration radiating usually 3 feet around our body and all kinds of living creatures. Aura may seem like a matrix surrounding us but in fact it’s the result of our energy flowing inside our major and lesser meridians as well as outside of us. Energy, or as Chinese masters love to call it “chi” is what connects us all. Moreover, since Aura is the result of energy flowing, it “contains” information. Those who are capable of “reading” the Auras, are also capable of learning and diagnosing flaws in our energy system as well as much more useful information.

Why is Aura Important?

The information Aura “contains” can be deciphered. The universal Code system is the Colour Code, which is in fact basic and powerful at the same time. Colors are different frequencies of Light’s vibration. In a metaphysical and Witchy way this actually means that colors are energy waves of magical power, ever shining and radiating their mystique powers. Taping into a color’s magic is not difficult at all.

How to see the Aura

To begin our Lesson you have to find a quiet place somewhere outdoors. The artificial light can raise issues when trying to read the aura for the first time. Moreover, due to my experience, it’s even better to try during Sunset or Sunrise especially for the first times. The palette of colours is more vivid and easier to see.

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Step one. Blocking

For the Purpose of “blocking” other colours and stimuli, you need to face the Sky or a white Wall, or a – quite large- white piece of paper.

Step two. Heavens

Now put your hand facing the Sky / Wall / Paper but in a comfortable way – if possible. Choose to focus in the space between two finger or in the border of one finger.

Step three. Focus

Keep focusing on the same spot. You may begin observing that the outline of the fingers starts to fade away or you may notice something like a transparent smoke radiating. Keep FOCUSED. This is not what we want. In few seconds you will begin to see or “feel” colours. This is the Colour of your Aura! This is our goal!

Step four. Examination

Invite a friend to “examine” him/her. Tell him or her to stand 3feet away from you. Tell him to keep his/her arm in a stable position.    Now, Let’s take a look at some Colours.


Practice daily for 2-3 minutes. Don’t force the result from the first day. It’s very usual to feel tired after trying to focus on a very spot for more than 20 seconds. You’ll soon manage it. If you lose focuse try once more and if you lose it again try tomorrow.

colour of the aura and its meanings. Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Turquoise, Blue, White

a brief chart of Aura Colours and their properties

RED Coloured Aura:

If red is the colour of your aura then your energy levels are raised probably due to vitality, enthusiasm or anger! Red is the color of our blood, the liquid life force which runs in us. It is also the color of passion and sexual arousal while it”s also appetite stimulant. Red is ruled by Mars, the God of War.

If red is your aura’s color then you need to find ways to awaken and direct your passion. You need to flirt more and engage in more physical activities. You need to connect with your life more! Listen to your instincts. What do they tell you? What do you want right now? Red is the also the color of spiritual dominion (Pope wears a red robe).

ORANGE Coloured Aura:

It”s no coincidence that Tibet”s monks chose this color as the dominant color of their faith. Orange stimulates our inspiration. It brings out our positive attitude towards life. It makes us want to live and attract more happiness. If orange is your Aura’s color then you probably found more ways to inspire yourself. You should keep on inspiring yourself by enganging in activities like Tai Chi or Kung Fu? Find ways to express your positivity. You are a eternal soul commanding a magnificent machine. Be grateful for every gift you received. Open yourself to happiness. You are almost there!

GOLDEN/AMBER Coloured Aura:

This is the color which balances the power with the expression of your will. It”s the color we use in magic to tap into Solar Magical powers. You are attuned with Sun”s energy and grow your inner confidence and self-esteem.

The Sun does not need to try, he just shines! This is what you need to understand. You don”t have to change anything. You are perfect! Indeed! You don”t have to change a thing. Attune with your Will. What do you WANT to do? If you need extra help try summoning a Solar spirit or Deity to guide you.

How to See your Aura and the Colours

YELLOW Coloured Aura:

Yellow is the color which attracts the most active forms of spirituality. If Yellow  is your Aura’s colour you found a way to awaken your magical powers. It”s so obvious that you thirst for contact with your Divine self. You should probably engage in activities life Yoga in order to attune more successfully with the Divine source.

Magic and faith runs in your blood and your aura shines brightly. Your aura will shine even more if you could schedule a daily routine to contact the divine powers. Maybe a daily Prayer? Whatever you choose bear in mind that you are so close on achieving higher perception!

GREEN Coloured Aura:

If Green is your Aura’s colour your heart longs for balance, stability and also the fresh air of Spring. You are adjusting to the Energy Vibes of the Earth. Healing energies run from and through you. You need to let things go and make peace with the past. What”s done is done. Let yourself bloom like a flower in Spring.

Let balance and abundance fill your heart. Find more ways to relax and achieve inner peace. You should probably need to start meditating and/or start activities which connect you with nature. Green helps us fulfil our dreams and achieve our goals. You heal others by just being near them while you also help them ground their energies. Green can also help us find balance in our body as it”s Ruled by Venus. Time for a fresh start!

TURQUOISE Coloured Aura:

Turquoise is a very strange yet powerful color. It the colour of those people who are able to heal their inner wounds and find emotional peace. You probably lost trust to yourself  – and all others – due to traumatic experiences of the past.

This is the color of those who attune with the universal healing powers and can erase any wound or trauma. Trust the vibes again and trust your self. Trusting yourself will enhance your healing powers and this is the first step AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE.  This is the color of the Sea.

BLUE Coloured Aura:

This is the ultimate healing color. You are a true Healer!  Even though all colors can be used in different conditions, blue is the one which stimulated our healing powers. Blue calms us down and helps us achieve a state of enhanced awareness. This color is associated with Jupiter as it helps us connect with the whole Cosmos.

Blue helps us expand all our power – but in more subtle and steady way. Blue is the color of the Sky and this helps us understand that we are not bound to this world. We come from a Divine Source therefore EVERYTHING is possible. As Blue reminds us this, we become more and more confident and ready to face our everyday issues.

LILAC/PURPLE Coloured Aura:

No color has ever been associated more with magic than this. This is the Color of Mercury the Messenger of the Gods. This is the color which reminds us that we can achieve anything we want yet we first have to find out what do we want. Purple reminds us to take a step back and observe.

Purple helps us understand that everything in our lives is a result of our previous actions which can even transcend this lifespan.  As Color of Karma, Purple is used in most advanced and powerful magic. It can help us attune with our ancestors and access their Realm of Wisdom. This Color can help you achieve greater Awareness and visit other Realms. You are an Astral Traveler whether you know it or not!


This is the “color” or creation and manifestation as it draws from the Spiritual Realm down to our Physical World the already constructed work of our Will. The “no color” color is what can help us achieve miracles.If this is the colour of your aura you are very close in achieving miracles.

Your magical potential is great and you already know so much. Trust your self, trust your magic and Cast your Spells! This “color” also means that you should have probably neglected your physical needs. This is the time to achieve balance in the Spiritual World and this Physical Realm.

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