How to Make Magic Wards


What is a Magic Ward? Ward is a Magical Shield, created from a Caster to himself/herself or any other person, animal, plant or object to accompany and protect against any attack. The Ward draws its power from the Caster.

The Wards are one of the most essential Magical Spells one must practice as it serves numerous valuable purposes. The procedure is simple yes can also be complicated depending on the “experience level” of the Caster.

Magic Wards can be created using the energy of any Element: Fire, Earth, Water or Air. The Most popular Magic Wards though, are the ones made from Earth as they are more stable yet this solely depends on the Caster's affiliation to each Element. Many Casters prefer the aggresion of Fire, or the cold dark depths of Water or the swiftness of the Air. I've met many Casters in my life and I've seen all kinds of Wards – and believe me the most powerful Ward I've ever seen was the one our Witch created by fog, therefore I will try to explain the Magic Wards of Each Element so you can choose your favourite.

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A Ward can be placed on a person, animal, plant or object. Moreover the Magic Ward can trancend time and be placed to a Future Self or Past Self. The Possibilities are endless and as you evolve through your Magical Journey you will appreciate their importance and how useful they can actually be. 


The very first step for creating a Ward is Grounding. You cannot cast a Magic Ward when you are anxious or disorientated. This is something VERY IMPORTANT you have to know. The fact that an experienced Caster can cast a Ward while he/she is under psychic or magic attack means that the Caster have mastered the technique of grounding even when under attack. So I repeat, the very first thing you have to do it to relax and ground yourself. A very easy and applicable grounding technique is the Following, inspired by Ancient Druid Magic. Click here for more. 

So step one… Grounding. 

Step two… choose the Element of your Ward. Here you'll find 4 examples. Master these techniques and you will see miracles.

Earth Ward: A Ward Solid as Stone.  

Take a small crystal which you've never used and you have already concecrated from all negativity (by using holy water, water of Jericho etc…). This crystal can be a Quartz, Obsidian or other. Check here the list of Magic Crystals. Once you're grounded take the crystal in you hand and while inhaling become one with the Crystal's energy. Connect with it, and by connecting with the Crystal, you know you are connecting with the Element of Earth. Feel Safe, Centered, one with the Whole Planet. Now it's time to create your Ward. Visualise (for example) a solid thick Wall, unpenetratable, guarding you (or whatever you feel needs to be guarded). Keep visualising for a couple of minutes and repeat the same visualization for 3 days or nights – do it the same time of day.

Fire Ward: Let you Passion burn your troubles

Once you're grounded take a red candle and light it up. Breathe lightly and know that while breathing you inhale the Fire's power in you. You become one with the bright passionate flame. Show respect to the element and feel invigorated, feel passionate and inspired. Feel enthusiasm in your blood. Your blood is shining in you. Now it's time to make your ward. Visualise that you create one bright fire-ball every time you're exhaling.  Keep on visualising until you feel you've created a powerful fire force. “Send” fire ball to who or what needs its power. Keep visualising for a couple of minutes and repeat the same visualization for 3 days or nights – do it the same time of day.

Air Ward: The Winds will set you free! 

Once you are grounded focus on your breathing. Take few minutes realising the importance of air in you. Inhale the Element of Air and become one with it. Feel free, feel connected with all, feel ready to travel anywhere. Now it's time to make your ward. Visualise that you create a hurricane with every exhaling. Keep on visualising on your fierce hurricane which can take away anything you don't want to.  Send the hurricane to what needs protection. Keep visualising for a couple of minutes and repeat the same visualization for 3 days or nights – do it the same time of day.

Water Ward: Let the Tides Wash away your troubles. 

Once you're gournded take a bowl of water an place your index finger in it. Realise the temperature of the water. Realise it smoothness and coolness. Take few minutes “playing” with the wate, raising small waves, making swirls and “carving” sacred symbols on the surface. Feel like a child again. Feel emotional but not vulnerable. Feel playful but not foolish. Feel connected with your hidden self. Now its time to make your ward. Visualise that you create a powerful Tidal Wave ready to drift apart anything that may attack you. Water is now your ally. Send the tidal wave wherever needed. Keep visualising for a couple of minutes and repeat the same visualization for 3 days or nights – do it the same time of day.

Time for Practice! Blessed be! 

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