Secrets of Zodiac Signs & their Hidden Traits

Secrets of Zodiac Signs & their Hidden Traits

Is Aries really that aggressive and insensitive? Is Leo that brave? Is Capricorn so emotional distant? I beg to disagree. These stereotypes are far from true and the more you learn and study astrology the more you will understand the lie! The Secrets of Zodiac Signs are about to be revealed.

Secrets of Zodiac Signs

What we see is not – always – what is real and this applies to Astrology and the Zodiac Signs too. Here I will briefly guide to an interesting journey trying to discover the true nature of Zodiac Sign. No more secrets of Zodiac Signs. Are you ready to know the Truth about you?


What you actually see when Aries is trying to assert his/her dominance is an urgent call for validation and approval from you. They need reassurance because deep down in them lies a very romantic and sensitive nature.  They really CAN be a mighty knight or a dazzling princess once you”ve managed to boost their enthusiasm and confidence. They can even give their lives trying to defend the ones they Love but they really really need your positive feedback. They need to be loved and appreciated! Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!

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Do you know why they are so insanely stubborn? Do you know why they will -almost- never change their minds? It”s because they really feel so lonely inside. That”s probably due to some experiences during they childhood when they felt that all they”ve got is themselves. Taurus is full of power because they never depend on anyone else. This also explains their selfish deeds but trust me. When they do say “I Love you” they really mean it, although it be hard to see it most of the times. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!

The Secrets of Birthdays. What Your Birthday means.
The Secrets of Birthdays. What Your Birthday means.


Ever moving, ever thinking, ever trying to do something different… this really can push others to their limits especially when it comes to long term relationships. A typical Gemini seems disorientated – if not lost! This is because when they tried to be stable was the time they ended up being really hurt. Their unbearable mood swings date back to the time they thought they”ve figured out everything and unfortunately they haven”t had. They cannot forgive themselves for acting foolishly and this is a painful scar. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!


Playing the Victim is what makes them so cute but also irritating some times. Their vast, deep ocean of emotions is hard to stay unnoticed but there”s a perfectly good reason for it. They play the “blame game” only to delay the harsh judgement from themselves. They are extremely clever yet they always try to avoid “coming clean” because they are extremely hard with their decisions and choices and they got such a great memory that doesn”t help the healing process. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!


The first time you meet a Leo you may feel dazzled by their noble appearance, their confident way of walking and the way they establish their dominant presence. Smoke and mirrors. A typical Leo is really sensitive and trying to hide the depth of their emotions. They secretly blame themselves when something goes wrong although they might never say it out loud. They really want to help as their truly generous nature pushes them to, yet most of the times they feel that have failed you and most importantly themselves. This explains the typical “diva” attitude. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!


Solid, stable and practical they always tend to analyse what is going on, judging and criticising all. The truth is that they feel bound to the misery of the world trying to fix whatever they can. Deep down they don”t really want to become more successful in whatever they do but they really want to break free and live an adventurous life. They are just too scared to do it as they failed to feel independent. A true Virgo, wants to spread his/her wings and fly in the blue sky. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!


Polite, smiling and noble is how they present themselves. Have you ever wondered why are these guys so open to negotiations, always trying to find the silver lining? The truth is that they try really hard not to be judgemental and bitter. They really do. The reason behind all this is that they truly believe in human nature and value their relationships more than anything. Friends and Love come first. What they need to understand is Loving themselves should come first! They don”t need to hold on to someone if not worth of their love. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!


Have you ever wondered why these mysterious creatures always act suspicious and hide so many secrets? I”m going to tell you the truth. They value justice more than you can understand. Their secret generous nature is trying really hard to protect the innocent and vulnerable and they hurt so much when they feel they have failed. This is why they slowly retreat to themselves and develop a cold and materialistic exterior. They always idealise their friends and partners and this is why they usually end up hurt and disappointed. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!

The Secrets of Birthdays. What Your Birthday means.
The Secrets of Birthdays. What Your Birthday means.


Confident and adventurous, a typical Sagittarius can ignite your passion for living only by looking at them. But here”s the catch. They try to fight their personal demons who question their adequacy and power. Deep inside of them they want to feel safe and surrounded by people who love them and truly care about them. Although you can easily be convinced that you can “read” them like an open book, they protect their secret traits very hard and this is what you will learn only if they believe you are worthy of this information. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!


Cautious and sober is the most usual traits of Capricorn but there is so much more behind this sign. What they really want is to be spontaneous and confine their judgemental nature. Unfortunately most of the times they confuse themselves and the ones who surround them with their volatile mood swings causing too much anxiety and frustration. The key to make them feel loved. Capricorn hides a very sexy and enthusiastic nature if only they manage to find their emotional balance and feel safe. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!


What you see as eccentric and weird on them is their way to show to the world that they different and not like all others who cause so much pain to the world. They feel disappointed by human race and try to find a way to end this mess by creating a havoc of bizarreness around them. They don”t want to be noticed as different they just want others to know that they are not like others. They try so hard to make a difference to this world yet they might end up isolated. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!


Lost in their Dreamworld could be a title for their sign. But is this the truth? Do they really lack of intellect? Of course not. Pisces are extremely logical and bright. What other astrologers observe as a dreamer is just a call for help. They have this magical ability to receive multiple stimuli from others and their environment and this makes it really hard for them to relax. What they cannot see it that because of all this information they end up tired of thinking. Once they find their inner peace they can come back and show how intelligent and smart they are. Learn more secrets of your Zodiac Sign here – what makes Zodiac Signs stop loving you!

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