Full Moon – Super Moon : December 14 2016


The cold nights of December will be illuminated by the light of the Super Moon in Gemini. On Wednesday the 14th, the Moon from Gemini will create the most enchanting celebration in the night sky.

But it’s not just that. The Full – Super Moon will be accompanied by the amazing meteor Shower of Geminids from the mid-evening until dawn. This is going to be an amazing night.

Aries: Aries: You are amongst the ones who are favored during this Full Moon. Your governor, the Mighty Mars, brings good news to your heart as he Trines the Moon. You win in Love and Romance and this boosts your enthusiasm. Communication is somehow the clue during that time and you will love so much talking with the ones you feel closest to you, as well as new interesting people, possibly from abroad! 

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Taurus: Your finances is what's at stake right now and you need to pay attention how you spend you money and manage your expenses in a more effective way. Your Governor from Aquarius will try to boost your career and this will later boost your courage to carry on and succeed in other parts of your life. Healing is on the way. 

Gemini: The Full Moon is all about you! This Super Moon shines her enchanting light directly on you and this means that all Eyes are now on You! This means that if you handle it smartly, you can turn out to be winners in this game. Just avoid the fights and try not to exaggerate as your Governor, Mercury plays with the optimistic Jupiter. 

Cancer: Full Moons always make you feel different and this Full Moon in particular will make you breathe like never before by activating your most hidden desires and insecurities. Although it might not be abvious you are starting to think and act different. Pay attention to your dreams as your intuition can make remarkable predictions. Trust your guts! 

Leo: Oh my, this is a Full Moon with many good things for you although you possibly feel that you are somehow in prison, seeing all but cannot reach for anything. On the bright side, this experience will not last for long and you will be able to approach your goals and succeed. You've got fire in your heart… so let the world know! 

Virgo: This is not a very lucky time for you my dear Virgo. First of all this Super Moon causes Super anxiety in your hearth especially when it comes to career and your possible future in this area. On the other hand, Mercury, your winged smart Governor may create a feeling that everything is possible and although this might be enough to make you reach for your dreams, stay on the ground and proceed with caution! 

Libra: This Full Moon will increase your cosmic awareness. It also help your connect with other people and evolve in many ways you cannot even imagine. You may travel abroad or contact people who live in foreign countries. What's also really possible is to find a way to lift your spirituality. Go on gorgeous… lead us ! 

Scorpio: Oh yeah, we love tough stuff dont we? Well the good news is that this time you don't have to fight with lions but face your own hidden desires and instincts. It's time to look at the mirror and see what you really really want. This full moon is rather neutral to you, as the pros and cons are equal. The opportunity that rises during the effects of this full moon is to reach a state of awareness that something very good and stable is coming. Get ready, you will need your strength and integrity to face your Brightest future.

Sagittarius: A Full Moon right across your sign causes many issues especially when it comes to very important relationships. You see, it's time to re-new your marriage, your deepest relationships and co-operations. You already know that responsibility is something you cannot hide from so let's be honest. This is a tough phase of your life – indeed – but it's going to end and after all this time you are going to get out from it stronger and more powerful than ever before. 

Capricorn: Mercury in your sign will help you be more flexible and communicative. You can easily negotiate and find solutions in problems that have been bothering you for long time. This Super Moon also points out difficulties that may arise in your everyday life and it also rings a bell on how you treat your health. Please make sure that you contact your medical doctor if you're facing any kind of issues. 

Aquarius: This is a helpful full moon for you guys especially now with Libra in your sign making you irresistable. You seem to become lucky in love as many opportunities may arise during this time. This may also mean that you will be able to refresh your relationship if you are not single. Please make sure you do, as this is a very good time to spread love all over you. The World needs it! Right now you also feeling that you want to meet and talk to your friends even the ones you've lost a long time ago. Do that as well!

Pisces: You struggle to find balance between what you want so badly and what reality is all about especially in your home and family. The struggle is very painful for you, and it may lead you to isolation in many possible ways. Daydreaming, over-drinking alcohol and depression are some of the possibilities.  Reality hits you hard with unfortunate events but that's only temporary. Maybe the Cosmos is trying to tell you that you should not give up on what you want. Claim back your power and send your clear message to the Cosmos! 

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