Heart Line and you future in Love & Romance

Heart Line and you future in Love & Romance
Heart Line and you future in Love & Romance

Reading the Heart Line is part of Chiromancy aka Palmistry. The wise art of predicting a person’s character and future influences by “reading” the palms of that person’s hand.

Palmistry, the Future (and Past) written on your palms

A reader usually begins by reading the person’s dominant hand (the hand he or she writes with or uses the most, which is sometimes considered to represent the conscious mind, whereas the other hand is subconscious).

The Heart Line (also known as Love Line) is amongst the 3 major lines Interpreted by those who have mastered the Art of Palmistry. The other two lines is the Life Life (click here to read more about the Life Line) and the Head Line. Heart Line is also the first of the major lines “examined” by a reader and represents the potential of the individual for luck in Romance and his or her ability for attraction. It is found towards the top of the palm, under the fingers. (see graph)

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Furthermore, there are many things which one can see in the Heart Line and we are going to discuss them in future articles. Our Palmistry series has just begun!

Now, compare your two Heart Lines by joining your palms like the graph. Are both lines at the same height? Is the Right Heart Line higher than the Left Heart Line? Is the Left Heart Line higher than the Right one?

Read the Meaning below:

Heart Lines palmistry comparing

1? 2? or 3?

There are many things which one can see in the Heart Line and we are going to discuss them in future articles. Our Palmistry series has just begun!

Now, compare your two Heart Lines by joining your palms like the graph. Are both lines at the same height? Is the Right Heart Line higher than the Left Heart Line? Is the Left Heart Line higher than the Right one?

Read the Meaning here: 

1.Both Heart Lines at equal height:

Balance is what really matters in your Romantic Life. You may have several experiences in the past with different types of people but at the end you marry someone who meets your expectations and most importantly the expectations of others (your parents, friends etc.) Patience is a great virtue for you and regarding serious relationships you need to take small steps at a time.

Observe your Little finger and click Here

2. Left Heart Line is Higher than Right one:

You are driven by passion as your heart longs for love, lust and romance. This does not mean that you are fulfilling your dreams in your Romantic Life. On the contrary, it possibly means that you don’t follow your heart because you are afraid of your instincts. You are a magnetic person which is usually “caught” in troublesome situations.

Observe your Little finger and click Here

3. Right Heart Line is Higher than Left one:

Your brilliant mind is controlling your emotions and you usually “judge” your actions regarding your Romantic Life. You are attracted by people with prestige or possess money / power. This may also mean that you are attracted by older people and you might end up marrying one. Although you can easily comprehend other people’s thoughts about you and your actions, as you grow older you learn to listen to your own voice only.

Observe your Little finger and click Here


This “Prediction refers to Right handed people. If you are Left-handed reverse the meaning.

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