Flying Potion and Flying ointments

Tonight Witches, we "FLY"! The "Flying Potion" will help us achieve astral projection. What is the Flying ointment? This is what we call soul flight.

flying potion

Flying ointments and potions are so frequently discussed in Wicca / Witchcraft forums that one could easily guess that it’s a simple procedure and a very well known one. What about the so called Flying Potion?

What is the Flying Ointment?

Well we are here to tell you the truth about Witchcraft so the truth is that the recipes of Flying ointments and potions achieving this purpose are extremely rare and can only be found written in dusty Books of Shadows hidden from Witches in the darkest places so that no one could find them, especially their prosecutors or the naive ones.

Flying potions and flying ointments have always been one of the most precious spells a Witch could write on his/her Book of Shadows. As you are going to realise in the next few lines, these recipe could bestow extreme magical powers and awareness. Moreover, these recipes, sometimes given by oral tradition, were passed to the most powerful and talented witches in hereditary Witchcraft. This is why most of these recipes are lost or destroyed by the Inquisition. You can only imagine that this information was so empowering to the witches that the inquisitors were desperately looking to get rid of.

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Are the Flying Ointment dangerous?

You see, these “magical instruments” were not commonly used as they were quite dangerous (because they contained poisonous, psychotropic substances which helped the witches immediately alter their state of consciousness – read more here in Belladonna, the Deadly Nightshade ) and moreover they were used in order to meet in the Astral Plane to celebrate Sabbats and of course by-pass the actual gathering which could possible lead to holocaust in the Dark Burning Times of the Witches.

The ones who tried to gather the power of the Witches (and of course use it for their own purposes) accused the Witches that these ointments and potions were in fact, Satanic presents. Due to their estimation, the dark lord gave it to the witches. He promised to meet with them in otherworld. The truth of course is by far different.

Who’s the Inventor of these Magical Instruments?

Numerous Historical References prove that Witches used these “magical instruments” to enhance their psychic abilities. Moreover, it help them travel to other Realms in order to consult with Deities . Especially Artemis/Diana Goddess of the Moon. Furthermore Fairies and Spirits and/or other fellow Witches could also be met. Covens usually drunk from the same potions/brews or used the same flying ointment in order to “meet” during the Witching Hour.

How to Make a Flying Potion

So ready to make a safe to use Flying Magic Potion  (unless you are pregnant or allergic to one of more of the following ingredients).

flying ointment and flying potion

Why to use the Flying potion:

  • To enhance your Vivid Dreams
  • or make Astral Projection easier – an every night Experience
  • To travel and explore other Realms (use it along with Moon Portals)
  • finally to meet and consult with Deities and Wise spirits

How to prepare the Flying Potion:

On waxing Moon collect  the following ingredients and place them in a glass jar with lid.

  • 2 parts Rose Petals (Rose is considered to be the Gateway to other Realms – read more about Rose here )
  • 1 part Mugwort (it has been widely used to enhance magical powers and help witches “fly” – read more about mugwort here)
  • 1 part Bay Leaves (Apollo’s priests and priestesses used this magic herb to help them transcend the Realms and consult with the God of Prophecies, Arts and Magic – read more about Bay Laurel magic here )
  • and 1 part Dittany of Crete (it helps to open the Third Eye and improve our Magical Abilities)

How to make it:

Once you’ve gathered the herbs close the glass jar with the lid, carve a Pentacle above the Lid and place a Moonstone (read here more about the Moonstone ).

The First time you try the Potion let it be on the Night of the Full Moon. Go out with a bowl of Water and let the moon reflect in the Waters. Know at this time that you charge it with the powers of the Moon. This is the easiest way to create Moon Water. (see here more details about Moon Water – Lunar Water) Boil the water and pour it on a cup with a tea spoon of our mixture. Leave it for 3 minutes and strain. Add honey (lavender or flower honey – read why here) – optional.

Tonight witches… we Fly!

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