Predictions: Full Moon, Thursday January 12th, 2017


The First Full Moon of the Year is always considered a powerful omen of what’s going to happen during the next year.

Moreover, is the first Full Moon followed by the First Lunar Eclipse of the year on February 10 (more on that later).

This Full Moon happens in Cancer and this is always a kinda sweet Full Moon as the Moon represents the mother and the Female energy. The great Mother in Cancer is at her home and she is sweet, nurturing, possessive and giving. Sun is in Capricorn, the kind of Father who is strict but fair. He’s fond of tough love and doesn’t take no for an answer when it comes to responsibilities and career projects. This is why you should be very careful not to neglect any chores or any kind of work which needs to be finished. Mercury on the Edge of Sagittarius, nearly in the first degree of Capricorn will give us his positive touch and show us that hope and positive thinking CAN work miracles. Virgo and Taurus are favoured along with Pisces and Scorpio. Cancer, Aries and Libra should be more careful.  Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

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Aries: Yes this is a very demanding time for you but it can also be extremely rewarding if you manage to complete what you’ve begun the past months. There is a tricky matrix which surrounds you, full of golden opportunities and deadly traps. You want to exaggerate so that you feel alive again. Calm down and stay alert. Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Taurus: A great Full Moon for you, great for your finances, your career and your life in general. This Full Moon has to offer you great things and opportunities to make steps forward, towards your success and your progress in almost all areas of your life. Most importantly the Full Moon gives you a powerful energy boost in your social and romantic life! Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Gemini: This is  a Full Moon – mostly neutral and stabilising – which offers a big chance for you. A chance to revive your instincts and let them guide you. What you’ve been hiding all along its now time to reveal and face. This is a chance to let your Libido guide you and ignite your senses, your soul and your dreams. Your finances may need your attention and you have to stay focused and manage your expenses. Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Cancer: Every Full Moon seem to wake up your powers, your flaws and your sweet energy. But this particular Full Moon acts like a catalyst for all these emotions. Your heart is like a magical cauldron, brewing a mystical EXTREMELY powerful potion. What will it be? Depends of your current emotions and experiences. Be careful with your colleagues and your partners. Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Leo: Your every day life seems to be influence by this Full Moon and puts traps and opportunities in every step of your way. You should take care of your health, start a diet and renew your gym membership. This opportunity will change the way you dream and feel. You will wake up really different the next days…Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Virgo: You are amongst the ones who are favoured by this Full Moon! Things which have to do with your social status and the things which bring joy in your life seem keep you satisfied. Moreover, Mercury comes in Capricorn make it easier for you to do your work and find solutions in everything. Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Headlines for all Zodiac Signs

Libra: Yes this Full Moon affects you but it’s also a very important opportunity for you to deal with your career as many opportunities rise from this area of your life. Hard Work pays off and you have to focus on it as it can change entirely your whole point of you. Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Scorpio: A very important and Lucky Full Moon for you my dear as it shows you the way to move forward and achieve progress in almost every area of your life. More specifically you will learn to cope with education and business more effectively. Important international trips are also favoured as long as communication, partnerships and business with foreigners. Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Sagittarius: This neutral Full Moon gives you time to get yourself together and focus on private and secret issues. Your most intense feelings, your libido and your instincts seem to wake up and show you that what you call “living” doesn’t have much to do with your real needs.Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Capricorn: This Full Moon is all about you my dear shedding light to all your life, what you’ve done in the past and where you are heading to in the future. This Full Moon will give you power and the positive energy to start anew and chase what’s really important for you. Happy Birthday! Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Aquarius: This Full Moon is trying to uncover what you’ve been doing wrong with your nutrition and self-destructive habits you may have. This is a very good time to visit your medical doctor and begin a healthier way of living. This is also a very good time to change your everyday routine and try other things that give you joy and satisfaction. Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

Pisces: Love is what keeps the Earth moving and Love (along with joy and satisfaction) is what’s going to catch your attention during the effect of this Full Moon. You wish to flirt and reach other levels of fulfilment and yes this is a very good time to reach for it. Just a word of caution though as you got to keep yourself together and watch for traps. Check out the Complete Astrological Predictions for 2017. CLICK HERE

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