How to Attract Fairies in your Home

How to Attract Fairies in your Home

Sacred Groves and Enchanted Gardens are a favourite habit of Witches throughout millennia possible because they attract fairies. Witches and the Wise Ones love to create sacred, protected and enchanted places in order to work and live there. The Wise Ones always knew that living in a protective and magically elevated place is going to help them achieve more and direct their energy more effectively.

How to Attract Fairies

You don’t have to go big (although you can). This article proposes you ways to invite (and thus work with) Fairies.What are Fairies? Well it’s like Human race. Not all Fairies are the same. But generally speaking, Fae spirits are Spirits of Nature. This means that Fairies have control over the Elements (which one depends on their heritage) and possess powerful healing, beauty and love magic. Their strong relationship with Nature attaches them with the area they dwell. If you are kind enough with Nature they may have already noticed that and occasionally help you.

Unfortunately they almost always feel estranged from humans, therefore using tips and tricks like following will try to establish a relationship build on faith and hope for the future with the Fairies. Do remember that by inviting the Fairies you actually invite powerful forces of nature to work with so be honest, respectful and kind with them as well as with nature too.

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To check if Fairies are actually already there with you check this article. Use it as reference to look for signs. 

Step one: Fairy Magic = Flower Magic

So first things first. Fairies Love flowers and YES they have a habit to actually dwell near some of them. You don’t need to have a garden to invite fairies, you can just bring some pots of these wonderful flowers. So what you can do is to plant some flowers. Which ones? Let’s see:

Important Note

Do remember that by inviting the Fairies you actually invite powerful forces of nature to work with so be honest, respectful and kind with them as well as with nature too.

Step Two: Altar with Water

Decorate your altar with pictures or statuettes of Fairies. Bring a bowl of Water, enchant it with some sweet words to fairies and leave it on your altar. Fairies Love to dwell where water is near. Sea, lakes, rives even magical bowls of Water. Refresh the Water daily. Dispose the previous water to your plants or trees nearby.

Step Three: Honey come here…

You can “offer” honey to Fairies. Honey is like acts like a magnet. They actually love it and use it in several recipes, filters and magic potions. Fairy Magic has several spells where honey is requires (we’ll guide you to it.) Offer a small bowl of honey to the Fairies. Now you can ask them to come. Just say words which come from you heart. Ask for friendship, love and faith. Ask for magic, hope and healing…

Wait to see the results…

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