Find What’s Lost Spell


Locating Lost objects can turn your day into a living hell. Misunderstandings, delays and a sense of loss, especially when it comes to things we use everyday or – even worse – things we are attached to emotionally. A “locating what’s lost spell” is probably something really handy!

This is why when for example we lose our wedding ring, our favourite watch or our magical charm we use the expression “we feel naked without it” , or “we feel like we’re missing a tooth”.

For this reason, Witches, Priests and Saints were asked to give us a helping hand in order to re-obtain what’s lost, misplaced or even stolen. Remember that finding lost objects (or pets/people) is easier when the Moon is Waxing and in Retrograde Mercury (click here for more)

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Respecting the fact our beloved fans in Magical Recipes Online can be Pagan, Christian or of any other religion we always give alternatives of our spells so that anyone can use it and receive the blessings of really Good Magic.

Christian Find what’s Lost Spell: Petition to Saint Antony (Anthony of Padua 1195-1231)

Saint Antony, was a poor Franciscan monk who eventually become a missionary in Northern Africa. There are many accountings which actually define Saint Antony as a powerful magician who casted numerous spells (of course this does not change the fact that he was a saint and that he followed the path of Love and Light. After all, Magic is energy. How we use it defines us).

It impressed us reading in the Catholic Encyclopedia”s article on the Saint Anthony of Padua that “he is especially invoked for the recovery of things lost.” The reason why Saint Anthony is invoked to find what’s lost comes from an old story which is traced to a weird incident that occurred in Bologna.

Saint Anthony had a book of Psalms which was valuable to him as it also contained nots for his students, moreover back then each book was extremely expensive as printing was not invented. A novice who had decided to leave “took” the book with him. Upon noticing it was missing, Anthony prayed it would be found or returned and of course it did.


Saint Anthony of Padua

Millions of People prayed to Saint Antony of Padua to recover lost things, lost vitality or even souls of their beloved ones.

Locate What’s Lost Spell Ingredients

You will need:

a White Candle, a piece of paper and a pen.

Write down whats the missing object like “ I find my watch”, “i find my wedding ring”, “I find my Vitality”

Now put the piece of paper in a safe way under the candle. Light the candle (ALWAYS USING FIRE SAFETY MEASURES) and chant 9 times:

“Tony, Tony, look around! Something’s lost and must be found!” 

Let the candle burn for an hour and repeat as needed. Never leave a candle unattended.

You can replace “something” with what you are looking for. Remember that once found what you are looking for, feed the hungry ones, humans or animals.

Feast Day: June 13

find what's lost spell

Pagan Find What’s lost Spell: Summoning Hermes, the Divine Messenger, Master of All Magic Arts

Who can be compared to Hermes, the Divine Messenger of Zeus, the all moving God who travels back and forth from Olympus to the Land of the Dead. Hermes (Mercury in Latin) is the wise God, master of all magical arts and divination methods (click here to learn more about Hermes). He is the one you should Summon to help you find what you’ve lost especially when the Planet Mercury is Retrograde (click here for more things you can achieve in Retrograde Mercury).

Get yourself a Golden Candle and on Wednesday (the day of Hermes – Mercury) Write down whats the missing object like “ I find my watch”, “i find my wedding ring”, “I find my Vitality”. Now put the piece of paper in a safe way under the candle. Light the candle (ALWAYS USING FIRE SAFETY MEASURES) and chant 9 times:

“Hermes, Keeper of what disappears, Hear me now, open your divine ears. What is lost, I now wish to find help me stop being blind, Direct me to what I seek,  By Fire, Air, Earth and Sea.”

Let the candle burn for an hour and repeat as needed. Never leave a candle unattended.

Once found praise Hermes and burn some frankincense on your altar to honour his Divine help.

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