Full Moon Astrology – March 12 2017


We’ve been through the powerful tides of the Eclipses and we are now reaching the Full Moon which pretty much is also drenched by the Eclipses’ power.

The Full Moon happens in Virgo – the 3rd Decan – signifying a time of Healing as Virgo is the Healing Archetype of the Zodiac Circle.

But what needs healing is definitely sick or broken. Our world is sick. Nature is broken. We need to take action and become MUCH friendlier with the environment. A true Witch is the one who doesn”t absorb power from Nature, but becomes one with it. We will learn about radical medicinal treatments and forces of nature which aim on cleansing and healing – possible after a catastrophe.  Click here to Read the Astrological Predictions of your Sign for ALL 2017 !

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Magically Speaking omens will come to show us where we love to spend and scatter our energy. Minor health issues, accidents and scars, flus and infections may come to make us understand the importance of liberation by vampiric and parasitic influences either that be spiritual or material ones. Are there any of those people in your work environment, do you hang out with them? This is the time to perceive this influences and make a decision! Click here to see for yourself if you are under Vampiric influence. 

Lets see what is going to happen to each and every Zodiac Sign

Aries: Healing comes from Within and you now know how important this information is. Venus is there, stationary, just to show you more explicably what you have to do in order to set yourself free and let love drive all evil away. Your financial status is affected and you have to look for ways to increase your income as opportunities may rise out of the blue. 

Taurus: The planet of action, fiery and mighty Mars is in your sign igniting you will for work, lust and adventures. You heart is beating faster and you thirst for Life. This Full Moon is particularly lucky for you as it happens in Virgo, your sister Zodiac sign. From there, your romantic life will heal and you will feel the warmth of Love and affection. After all… you need it. 

Gemini: This is a full moon which may not go easy on you as you will probably need to be very careful with your house and family especially when it comes to people you live with. I think that some kind of events or misunderstandings may bother you a lot and you will probably need to take a step back and calm yourself down before something serious happens. 

Cancer: A beneficial Full Moon from your friendly Virgo will boost your enthusiasm and self-confidence while it will also attract important and powerful people to you. It is an omen of success and growth and it also inaugurates a new era in your romantic life. Strong influences will still affect your life. You need to embrace them and move forward. 

Leo: A time of caution begins in your financial status with this full Moon. Some things may seem illusionary and will turn out to be real while at the same time might happen exactly the opposite. Manage carefully your expenses especially when it comes to demands of your relatives and friends. Block all energy draining from you and protect your vitality. Let the Sun shine brightly in you again!

Virgo: Not that you have ever forgotten that but this full moon reminds you (agai and again) the importance and value of your vital energy. You are amongst the ones who know very well how to treat your body and this is the time to gather what”s left from your vitality and focus on how to improve your physical well being! Stop worrying, start acting! The North Node in your sign will give you the Luck you need. 

Libra: Your soul seems to be really active during the time of this Full Moon. The powers of the Moon awakens your instincts, your dreams and fears and this actually makes you feel more alive than before. This is the time to meditate and find your inner balance. Manage your energy and your thoughts and use this magnificent power to move forward and change what needs to be changed. Venus is stationary and now is NOT a time to risk. 

Scorpio: This is such a beneficial time for you my dear Scorpio. You see, the Full Moon from your friendly Virgo not only will attract interesting new people but will also broaden your social circle helping you mix with important and powerful people. Furthermore, Mars from Taurus will empower your most important relations and spice up your romantic life. 

Sagittarius: This full moon shakes the ground of your career reminding you that the balance in our professional relationships is very easily wounded. The source of your strength is your optimism and your inner will to succeed and this has always been a source of magical inspiration! Soon all will be over and your will win in this battle too but pay attention to the messages of this full moon for they are extremely useful.

Capricorn: The power of the Full Moon focuses on your personal evolution which probably means that a lot useful events might take place the next few days including contacting with powerful people from universities or religious institutions. Mars in Taurus will ignite your Sexual life causing you to pursue your dreams with much more confidence. This is a particularly helpful time for you and you should take advantage of every opportunity that may rise. 

Aquarius: Of yeah you cannot easily oversee the importance of Money in your life. Even you cannot help but get anxious when it comes to expenses and your overall financial status. This is a neutral Full Moon though and you might want to take advantage of the fact that powerful people are attracted by you. You can ask for help and guidance. Information may help you update your awareness about almost all issues that bother you. This is your chance. 

Pisces: Your sensitive hearts don”t easily deal with fights but this full moon challenges you to deal with your personal relationships, your marriage and some legal issues which may appear during the next few days. Under these circumstances you need to clear your mind and see as much objectively as you can. Virgo challenges your mind to take many things into consideration. Be ready. 

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