Planet Vibes: Full Moon in Scorpio, May 4 2015

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions
Planet Vibes. Full Moon in Scorpio. May 4, 2015. Security is just a state of Mind, Rise like a butterfly!

We recently observed a series of spiring Eclipses which woke us up and made us think forward. The power was overwhelming and some of us felt the need to be more prepared for the future. The truth is that the energy of the Eclipses is not easily managed and that feeling of insecurity is likely to happen once again.
This Full Moon in Scorpio is a challenge for our feelings of security and stability (Taurus) and also our need to defend what we perceive as a given reality (Scorpio). Although these qualities play a very important role in many of us, the truth is that security and stability is only temporary and it’s never real. The only thing we should depend on is our heart and soul. That’s the only thing WE truly possess and we are responsible of.

This Full Moon is exceptionally important for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Those sign should pay extra attention during the days of the Full Moon (especially from 3rd to 5th of May). Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces are favoured by the energies of the Full Moon and can easier take advantage of an opportunity that may rise. Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius and Libra are considered Neutral.


Astrology and Magic
This Full Moon is really close to Beltane, thus the energies of this sacred Sabbath blend with the powerful spring Full Moon creating a perfect time for Love Spell.
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our Perfect Love Spell

Let’s take a look at each and every sign.

Aries: This full Moon occurs in the axis of your horoscope which has to do with possessions and your instincts of security. You should expect news from your pocket. Be extra careful when managing your expenses. This may also be a great time to find and extra source of income!
Taurus: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! This is a Full Moon which promises opportunities to alter the dynamics of your most intimate relationships. You have to pay attention to what people who are really important to you have to say. Clear you mind and ground yourself and your wishes.
Gemini: This is the time to change the routine of your daily life. The Full Moon will give you all the energy you need to alter as much as you want. You should just know that during these days secrets are very likely to be uncovered. Be careful at what you say and more importantly to whom you say it!
Cancer: This Full Moon actually favours you. Try to know that every Full Moon is really important for you and even the most beneficial one may drive your emotions crazy! This Full Moon helps the way you interact with others. If you are single this may be a great time for you to flirt and meet new people! After all… it’s MayDay!

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Leo: The Full Moon will influence everything that has to do with your domestic issues, your family and children and also you inner and most hidden feelings. You feel like something very important is changing whilst you feel you cannot control the way you loved ones react and behave. Keep calm.
Virgo: A time of evolution, a time to think beyond your reality. This Full Moon is a prelude of a new reality in so many matters. The lunar powers change the way you think of this world and also affects your relations with very close friends and relatives – all you think of as brothers and sisters. Help may come from them!
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Libra: What you perceive as given is influenced these days. You have to understand that the stars just state clearly that your finances need improvement. How you will chose to improve them is just up to you. Manage your expenses and keep your eyes open for a chance of new income!
Scorpio: You are the centre of this Lunar event and you feel the energies vibrating in every cell of your body. Your libido once again tells you that something is changing – again – and you have to understand all the factors which drive to you alter your reality. You will also understand better what others ask or demand from you. Read between the lines.
Sagittarius: You’ve had enough with others pushing you to do things you don’t like. Your heartbeat is altered the past months and this Full Moon shows you exactly the same thing. Stop hurting yourself. Find things that make you relax and improve the way you think of you. You deserve more.
Capricorn: Your social status is really important for you especially when it comes to your career and your job’s environment. Now it’s time to feel more needed by others. Your work is more likely to be projected and be noticed by others.

This Full Moon in Scorpio is a challenge for our feelings of security and stability (Taurus) and also our need to defend what we perceive as a given reality (Scorpio). Although these qualities play a very important role in many of us, the truth is that security and stability is only temporary and it's never real. The only thing we should depend on is our heart and soul. That's the only thing WE truly possess and we are responsible of.
Aquarius: The way the lunar powers affect you is rather hard right now. You have to keep calm and understand that what happens right now may be a chance to learn something valuable. Your needs may cause conflict of interests thus you may probably have to be more careful in how you project your needs and wishes. Others may be jealous!
Pisces: You may be a dreamer, but you are the best one! There is something in your mind that gives you strength to go on! Are you planning something for the future? This may be the time to move forward and make your dream come true. Be patient and ground your thoughts!!
Have a Blessed Full Moon
Merry Beltane
Discover, Play, Love!
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