Spiritual Advice for all the Zodiacs – July 16 to July 22

Where you need to focus more this week, according to your Zodiac Sign.

Spiritual Advice for all Zodiac signs
Spiritual Advice for all Zodiac signs

General Spiritual Advice and tendencies of the week:

The main spiritual vibration remains the same this week. This means, this week also encourage new beginnings, letting go of the past, letting go of our common sense sometimes, and going over our personal limits and boundaries. It is a good time for all of us to dream (or keep dreaming) of what we want to be and have. How do we want our lives to be and how do we want to live them? And once again, we should not afraid to, but rather we should try to, go beyond our usual manners in order to achieve the desired changes.

What actually changes a this week is that we need to dare and manifest this changes in the material plane a little more. Previous week was mostly about working in the inner planes – our mind and spirit. This week, we should at least do a little afford to follow the changes we create there in our everyday life. The main focus may also change a little for each of us, as we’ll see.

Spells to help you this week:

Some of our spells and articles that can help you make the best of this week are these:

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But also, search our site for whatever else you may need. There are plenty more here to help you achieve your every goal.

Spiritual Advice for Aries:

The peace and tranquillity you started creating the previous week by forgiveness and letting go of unnecessary things is still your target. Try to see the good things in your everyday life and especially in your family, home and close friends. Find at least three good things there everyday and express your gratitude for those.

Spiritual Advice for Taurus:

You still want to focus on the matters of the heart and you should do so. Allow yourself to be expressed more freely and spontaneously there. But this week you should also start creating such changes in your work and career. At the very least visualise your work being as you want it to be. Creative work, hobbies and talents need to be expressed, so, express them.

Spiritual Advice for Gemini:

If you still hold some bitterness and some grudges, let them go. But this week try also to express not just forgiveness, but love as well. Think positive things for yourself, your life and for the people around you. Smile more, and always try to say a good thing to those you interact with.

Spiritual Advice for Cancer:

It’s time to start getting back the control of your life. Your work and other issues have driven you out of balance. Start re-establishing this balance in every way you can. Visualisation and small symbolic acts will have great results on the matter. Control your tendency of over-reacting though.

Spiritual Advice for Leo:

Still your focus is on your financial and career issues. Try to realise how blessed you are there rather than how unlucky you are. Be grateful for what you have succeeded already rather than unhappy for whatever you haven’t done so. Try to awake the sense of happiness there, and allow some more enjoyment and luxury. Once again, don’t overdo it, but do it!

Spiritual Advice for Virgo:

You should continue the path you started the previous week. If you haven’t started, do so now. You still can. Engage yourself with anything new you want to do. Work related subjects, about your current or dream job, are especially favoured. Once again, believe in yourselves and in the Universe, and make a step.

Spiritual Advice for Libra:

What you should do this week doesn’t change much. Release your bitterness and realise your blessings. Be thankful for whatever you have and for the love you already receive. Counting your blessings alone can be the start of a better and happier future, but acting kindly to the ones close to you will ease your path even more.

Spiritual Advice for Scorpio:

Have you begun your inner journey of self discovering? If not, do it this week. If you have, continue. Your self still has much to say to you. Let your soul express itself through art. Drawing, singing, dancing, writing, whatever suits you. Never mind if you are good or not in it. Just do it. It will unleash your happiness creating power.

Spiritual Advice for Sagittarius:

“I’ve done my best, and all is good!” This should remain your mantra this week. You now feel stronger. You feel more worthy. This is good. You need to empower this feeling more. Things around you are better than they look. Realise that, and fixing what needs fixing will become easier.

Spiritual Advice for Capricorn:

You need to express your love and support to others. Will it be of a romantic type, or a parental or friendly type, it doesn’t matter. Just say “I love you” to as many people as possible. You can do it directly by words and acts, but also, you can offer your love through thoughts and prayers. Both will work nicely.

Spiritual Advice for Aquarius:

The tendency to abandon your dreams and hopes is still present. Depending on how well you’ve worked the previous week on forgiveness, this tendency can be stronger or weaker. Whatever the case, keep working on forgiveness and keep offering love toy yourself, and your loved ones.

Spiritual Advice for Pisces:

Still your material aspects are important for you this week. Once again, if you are satisfied with your current situation, show as much gratitude about it as possible. If not, you probably already know better what you want. Persuade this objective with any means you have now, magical or not.

Have fun and a blessed week!

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