How to tell if someone flirts you ! Read Signs of Flirting!

how to tell if someone likes you

How to tell if they are flirting with you based on Zodiac Signs. 

Flirting is a social behaviour we usually use to interact with people we feel attracted to, some are more extrovert some more introvert, yet most of this behaviour is happening at a subconscious level and usually without any verbal communication. Let’s see how the 12 signs are showing their attraction to others and identify their secret way of flirting. Maybe next time you will see your interaction with them from a different perspective. Know these signs of flirting! 

The Signs of Flirting! 


Aries are usually extrovert and will want to let you know that you are in their game. They will usually contact you first unless they have a different strategy in mind for you. Sooner or later everything will be revealed. In general, their attraction to you will not go unnoticed. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Aries and how to turn them on!)


Taurus are more introvert at flirting. Usually they engage more with the person they are interested in than they do with other people. Search for signs of non verbal communication, do they look at you more than usual, do they try to joke with you to catch your attention? Believe me the “I belong to you, you belong to me” notion will reveal itself but try to be patient, and when I say patient I mean very patient. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Taurus and how to turn them on!)

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What is this noise? Oh right it is the loud Gemini at the corner and he is talking about swimming which happens to be your favourite sport and now they talk about Shakespeare that you did your PhD on. Yeh you are right, this is not a coincidence. They have researched more about you! Moreover, they are excellent at flirting and now they are trying to grab your attention. I say go for it. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Gemini and how to turn them on!)


Far more subtle at flirting, they will show interest by asking about your everyday life and your health, your wellbeing of your mother, father, sister and brother… They are the sweetest of the zodiac, so please take good care of them. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Cancer and how to turn them on!)


I just met this guy last week and he brought me to a fancy restaurant, bought me flowers and took me to this cafe that has a massive waiting list to have a sip of a cup of coffee. Yes you are right, Leo is there and he is there to stay. Usually more generous than normal with the ones who are interested in they will try to give a good performance for your eyes only. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Leo and how to turn them on!)


Look for the little things, deeply practical they will try to make your life easier and they expect you to notice. When you are around them, they will notice all the details- who are you talking to, what are you wearing, how do you smell and all of that to ensure that you have checked all the boxes and to form their plan. To make your life a better place as surely you will make theirs. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Virgo and how to turn them on!)


Have you ever heard of the expression ‘Scottish Shower’, well let me remind you the Katy Perry song you are hot and you are cold. They will flirt with you, then they will play hard to get or uninterested, then repeat until you let your defences down. All you need is to flirt them back and then wait for their move, that simple.(Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Libra and how to turn them on!)


Beware of the Scorpios, they are here and they are here to stay. They have already done their analysis. Also, they prepared their strategy. Yes, they talked it through with one more trusted person to validate and here it comes. Furthermore, they will engage you in conversation. They will try to get really deep with you as a sign of interest. They see a mystery in you! Make sure that there is more to discover each time and you have them on your frequency. If you can handle deep conversations without feeling vulnerable then that is your game. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Scorpio and how to turn them on!)


So easy, so flexible, so open. They will let you know very soon if they are keen and they will not try to hide it if you ask them straight. No mystery to unveil with them, you know where you stand and a spade is a spade. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Sagittarius and how to turn them on!)


Famous for being very formal and serious! If they feel attraction, they will loosen up! Moreover they will giggle and try to impress you with their connections, achievements and work. Don’t be a fool, they are insecure even if they want to believe otherwise, use it to your tactical advantage. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Capricorn and how to turn them on!)


Oh that is a tricky one! They usually befriend the ones they feel attracted to and they act cool around them. So how will you know? Well if they choose to ask you out, as friends of course, or talk to you for hours well then here we go. Aquarius tend to spend more time with the ones they are interested in than anyone else, usually you might have to do the next move to open them up and take things to a different level. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Aquarius and how to turn them on!)


Poor Pisces! Everyone will know when a Pisces is attracted to someone else. How? Well they don’t try to hide it!  Usually they are the last to know that everyone else is watching them and are already aware of their interest. Pisces have a tendency to look and analyse, to look and dream, therefore if they are looking far too much (and I mean far far too much) well you can be sure that this is it. (Find out more about the Erogenous Zones of Pisces and how to turn them on!)

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