Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

Astrology Today: A very active day from the celestial powers. Moon forms some strong auspicious aspects before and after entering the sign of Virgo during the day. It also forms some weak inauspicious aspects, but they will be mostly overwhelmed by the positive ones. On top of that Mercury (in conjunction with the Moon all day long) will also enter its own sign, Virgo. All these bring a positive shift of energies, despite the fact both Venus opposition to Saturn is still active and that the ecliptic energies are building up.

Communications are good. Health, both of the body and of the soul, is better or demands to get better. Our everyday routine becomes more pleasant. We focus more in our work related matters, but we feel mostly relaxed about them. Magic in general, illusionary kind of magic in particular, and our magical powers are strong.

Virgo is obviously the luckiest sign of the day, and so is Leo. Gemini will also receive a good portion of today’s blessings. Aquarius, Pisces, and then Sagittarius, Taurus and Libra should take it easy.

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New partnerships, new jobs, promotions or relocations of your current post are all possible now. It won’t be a relaxed change but a beneficial one. If you are given the chance to choose when this will happen, choose today. The closer the eclipse is, the more stressful the procedure will be.


Still your love life is good and strong. For the singles internet probably is a better way to meet new people right now than real life meetings. Your keeping your routine might be challenging today, but this is most probably because you want to achieve too much at once.


Things once again calm down and your life turns happier and more pleasant. Peacefully pleasant or actively pleasant. Your other half or your children, children figures, grandchildren etc provides you with many reasons to smile.


If you still feel under the weather, rest and consider visiting a doctor. But most probably your health is better now. So, allow yourself to go out and socialise. You’ll find the experiences “out there” inspiring.


Both your first and second solar house are very strong this day. Your life dreams and wishes and your financials are your main focus and you have a great luck in all these. Even more, your magical powers are in great shape. So, act!


A very strong and good day for Virgo this is. Even more for mediums, psychics and all working with spiritual energies. The same goes for those who want to initiate one such career. Your psychic powers are also very strong. Make use of these days to build a wonderful future.


Communications with other realms and channelling are favoured. Come in contact with your higher self or your guardian Angel and ask them for their advice. On the downside, your psychic defences are not on top condition and that means minor but continuous misfortune is possible. You also may be targeted by an malicious spell.


A mostly pleasant and easy to go day this is for you. I wouldn’t expect huge events, but you may meet some new interesting people. Some happy incidents may also happen in your job.


Retrograde Saturn won’t easily let you relax, but try to do so. Breathe deeply and think what you want to change in your life. Then think what you can do now to initiate, promote or at least symbolise these changes.


Your intuition remains strong and now it is much more reliable. Your magical powers are even stronger than they were yesterday. A spell casting day this should be for you.


Most things are good, but be cautious of metaphysical problems of any kind. You are vulnerable today. There is no need to panic though. Most of you will experience this as a series of minor unfortunate events. Don’t take important decisions today if you can avoid them.


Your day will be a smooth continuation of the previous one. If yesterday wasn’t that good, though, this one will make things better. So, be optimistic and act accordingly.

Astrology and Magic:

As yesterday, all magic is favoured under the active astrological influences. Also a great day to cast spells that intend to create huge influences. Spirit communications are also favoured.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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