August’s Energy Calendar and Day of Power

There is a lot happening this month at an energy and vibrational level. We have two planets entering their retrograde phase, and one leaving retrograde. We have a Partial Lunar Eclipse and a Total Solar Eclipse.

August's Energy Calendar
There is a lot happening this month at an energy and vibrational level. We have two planets entering their retrograde phase, and one leaving retrograde. We have a Partial Lunar Eclipse and a Total Solar Eclipse. I hope you all have a wonderful August. Here is the August’s Energy Calendar.

August’s Energy Calendar

1st August: ? Lughnasadh/Imbolc
1st August: Moon enters Scorpio at 13:01
2nd August: ? Uranus Enters Retrograde ?
4th August: Moon enters Capricorn at 01:36
6th August: Moon enters Aquarius at 13:15
7th August: ? Partial Lunar Eclipse ?
8th August: Moon enters Pisces at 22:55
11th August: Moon enters Aries at 06:21
12th August: ? Mercury Enters Retrograde ?
12th August: ? Perseid Meteor Shower ?
13th August: Moon enters Taurus at 11:39
13th August: ? Perseid Meteor Shower ?
15th August: Moon enters Gemini at 15:05
17th August: Moon ethers Cancer 17:12
18th August: Moon enters Leo at 18:16
21st August: ? New Moon in Leo at 14:30 ?
21st August: ? Total Solar Eclipse at 14:30 ?
21st August: Moon enters Virgo at 21:24
24th August: Moon enters Libra at 02:04
25th August: ? Saturn Leaves Retrograde ?
26th August: Moon enters Scorpio at 09:52
28th August: Moon enters Sagittarius at 20:47
31st August: Moon enters Capricorn at 09:18
*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*
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