Other Celestial Bodies in Retrograde Phase

Other Celestial Bodies in Retrograde Phase

Planets aren’t the only Celestial bodies to go through a retrograde phase. Asteroids and moons in the Solar system do too. You can find here more Retrograde Mercury, Saturn or Uranus.

Chiron Retrograde – 01/07/17 to 05/12/17

During Chiron’s retrograde phase we attract the healing and guidance that we need. We are drawn to seek out new ways of healing for the deepest part of ourselves. We are drives to heal the places we keep locked away, with this, the first step is to accept ourselves for who we are. With these amazing transformational energies, we are able to find new part of ourselves.

Ceres Retrograde  – 16/12/17 to 18/03/18 

Ceres represents the nurturing abilities, family attachments, and unconditional love. During Ceres’ retrograde phase the nurturing will need to be focused onwards. It’s time to give yourself a little of what you give freely to others, it’s time to find the unconditional love for YOU! By fulfilling your own needs, you are able to inspire others to do the same.

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Vesta Retrograde – 01/12/16 to 07/03/17 

When Vesta is in retrograde it’s time to back to your own centre of being. Take time to fouls your energy inwards, you will discover new ways to amuse yourself when you’re by yourself, you can even find your creative muse. During Vesta’s retrograde phase, it’s a great time to take care of your sacred space — no matter the form it takes. It’s advisable to build or strengthen or build your personal protections and get centred.

Pallas Athene Retrograde phase – 28/12/16 to 30/03/17

When Pallas Athene enters retrograde it signals a time when we need to review our current needs for social reform in all areas of government (local or national), feminine equality, the arts and medicine. When Pallas Athene is in retrograde it reminds us of necessity of incorporating feminine values into the existing social conventions and systems.

Juno – 09/05/17 to 23/12/18 

Many consider Retrograde Phases to be indicative of stress and malicious energy, and like with Mercury Juno is often associated with communication especially with things like emails, texts and letters in the post. When Juno enters it’s retrograde phase it is a time to take stock and revaluate what you are communicating to others. The devil is on the details, and by paying a little extra attention to things can’t go amiss. While Juno is in retrograde you may find the courage to communicate with someone from your past and set old wrongs right through clear and honest communication.

Try not to let all this boggle your brains lol!

*)0(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)0(*


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