Daily Predictions for Thursday, 24 August 2017

Daily Predictions for Thursday, 24 August 2017

Daily Predictions for Thursday, 24 August 2017

General Daily Predictions: Moon today enters Libra and does no major aspect there. Things will be more calm and easy going than they were yesterday. The triangle between Venus from Taurus and the retrograde Chiron in Pisces, which we analysed in our yesterday’s predictions, is now in full strength. Venus also creates a square with the retrograde Uranus in Aries. This is also a long lasting influence, but today we will feel it in its maximum power.

Under the influence of the latter aspect we tend to present our worst self in our current relationships. We probably feel too tired from our routine together and we express that in a not-productive way. In some cases we search for entertainment to replace our boredom in ways we later regret. We may feel to enthusiastic on our dreams of changing things in our love life, both when we are in a relationship and when we are singles. This is the good thing. But we need to think calmly and clearly before acting. Otherwise it’s very easy to act the wrong way and either receive the unwanted results or regret our actions later.

Uranus is retrograde, so mistakes we did in the past or with past relationships may happen again. Also the way we see our past lovers can be unrealistically negative. Old scars can reopen. Venus’ triangle with the retrograde Chiron can intensify the past as well. But it does makes things more positive if we see the situations like things we need to heal more than change.

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In any case, avoid extreme actions and decisions and act always as calmly as possible.

Libra, Gemini and Aquarius will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Aries, Sagittarius and Leo will be the most stressed ones.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

The main focus today is clearly your spouses and lovers. I’m using plural as this refers to your current one (or is it ones?) as well as your past (or future) ones. And for you this will be the case, stronger each day, till the 26th. Then the Moon will stress even more Uranus by opposing it. So, try to solve as many of these issues as possible today, as every day will be harder.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

You focus a little more in reorganising your daily life. After the last few days you feel somewhat unbalanced and you need to re-establish this balance. This is at least the excuse. It will be a mostly calm day for you, and probably your own thoughts are the only ones having the power to unsettle you. Nevertheless, this is a very good day for love spells for you.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

A happy and mostly lucky day for Gemini. In some aspects even more so than the other lucky zodiacs of the day. You feel joyous and playful and you attract others your way more easily. Good things can happen in your love life weather you are single or not.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Your need to feel secure and safe raises. Your focus turns to your home, family and whatever makes you – or you expect to make you – feel this way. You want to build a better foundation for your life. With a very highlighted Venus in your zodiac, love is part of the life you want to build. Offer love to yourself and to whomever and whatever is important to you.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Your mind is restless and you tend to think too many things at once or focus for too little time to each one you think about. This doesn’t give you enough clarity and hardly helps your nerves. Your need to communicate is also strong. Try to use this communication in a positive way. Talk to friends about whatever bothers you, or contact the ones you have some unsolved issues with and tell them what your honest thoughts are. Honesty is a good thing, but still, take care of how you are going to express it.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

If you are in a relationship or a marriage you tend to evaluate this relationship on material things. How much money you bring in the house and how much the other does. How much you spend on them and how much the other spends on you. Things like those. This is not the best way to evaluate a relationship. It can give you some insights, but don’t take decisions only on this aspect. If you are single, money, financials and possessions are still important. You use them to calculate your own value. Once again, this is not the best way to evaluate yourself.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

You feel and don’t feel like you are in top condition, but mostly you feel this way. You want to express yourself to the world, and you feel like you can move mountains, when you are thinking about it. On the other hand, you are not though so confident when it actually happens and you are easily discouraged. Don’t. Support yourself and the universe will support you.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

You need to be alone today with your thoughts. Whether you’ll achieve this simple goal or not, is an other issue. Your inner self is calling for you. Stress your arm to their help. A very good day to deal with issues of old, especially inwards. When interacting with others try to be calm. You tend to be oversensitive to whatever they say.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Try to be with friends. Not necessarily the ones you think as best friends, but rather the ones you can have some silly fun with. Even through this procedure whatever troubles your mind will find its place and explanation. So, it’s not really “silly”. It’s just what you need to have a better day today.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Career seems very important for you today. Yes, it calls for your attention in most cases – not necessarily with problems – but how you feel about it is what makes it so important. You have too many expectations from yourself about it, and you consider it as your way to prove your value to your friends, lovers or possible friends and lovers. This can cause some distress as some one such person unexpectedly seems to have evolved in their career more than you have. But, is it the right way to define yourself? (Hint: the right answer is “No!”)

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Your thinking and you imagination are very active today. You want things to change and you day-dream about it. This is good, but why not use visualisation to actually summon whatever you want in your life. Good financial status is probably the main focus in whatever you dream. Again, this is good. Be wealthy and free. There is one mistake though. You tend to consider your financial status as a requirement for a happy love life. This isn’t true. The two are, in fact, irrelevant.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

If there is a zodiac for which love magic is strong today, this is you. Make good use of the day. Love life, love karma and karmic love are very vivid for you. Issues there are very demanding of your attention both in your mind and in your life. Give them proper care. Also, don’t take any important financial decision today. Your mind on this subject is rather clouded. If you really need to do something of the kind, ask for advice the people you trust first.

Astrology and Magic:

Love spells of every kind are boosted today. Karma cleansing is also strong.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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