Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Daily Predictions August 15 horoscope

General Daily Predictions: Moon will form a square with the Sun, forming the Third Quarter today. Although this will happen while Moon is still in Taurus, after that it will enter the zodiac of Gemini. By doing so it encourage us to be more social and communicative. Unfortunately these things may not be as easy as they should. The energies of the upcoming Solar Eclipse are by now strong enough. In the same time all the karmic and death planets are highlighted, including the Nodes, and only Chiron in a good way. Therefore, contact with the other planes, willingly or not, is very possible, as well as karmic events. It would be wise to be extra careful, and even more so if we engage with dangerous activities.

Pisces and then Cancer and Scorpio are the zodiacs we should consider as the luckiest for the day. Leo, Capricorn and Sagittarius will be the most stressed ones.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

How is the relationships between your loved one and your friends? Issues hiding there, or at least keeping their mouth shut, will be yelling today. Even if you are not in a relationship, critic and the like about your love life and its past will be present. Be patient. On top of that, an ex may reappear.

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Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Have you ignored some things you had to do for your home? Today they may become very demanding. You may need to spend quite some money on repairs and things like that, in a period you’d seriously rather not to.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

On one hand you want to be with your close friends. On the other hand, this may irritate you a little too much. Best case scenario is that you won’t be able to arrange to meet any of them, but even if you do meet them, things don’t look very happy. No real problems. Just your bad mood and also theirs.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

You may encounter some problems with you co-workers. Some issues in the work and uncalled suspicions fall on you, or things of a similar nature. You probably feel your work and money related intuition a little too strong today, but in most cases this will be misleading, so be cautious. On the other hand, your intuition for other matters is indeed strong today.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

This is not a pleasant day for you for the most of it. You feel too judgemental towards yourself and towards the people around you. You also receive a generous amount of critic from them. Be kind to yourself and all the rest. Some people of your past may reappear and remind you of good or bad times. In both cases this doesn’t feel good right now.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

A difficult day for career matters. You are forced to re-evaluate past decisions and you tend to spend too much time in “What if”s and “I should have done that”s. Try to avoid this. It just destroys your mood. Learn from past mistakes and correct what you can correct in the present.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Dreams you had in the past about how your life should have been, or should be right now, resurface today. You feel a little too discouraged by the difference between your dreams and reality. Your social circle “supports” this feeling. Don’t indulge too much in self pity. Count your blessings instead.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

This is a very peculiar day for you. Your sixth sense is very strong, and so is your magic. On the other hand, your encounter with other planes is also very probable for you. This may not be as pleasant the moment it happens, but it will be a good experience afterwards. Career takes a good turn too, but the turn itself can be stressful in some cases.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Your marriage, your business partnerships, or both can cause you a great deal of stress, even if you are away of the actual persons. In some exceptional cases though, where these relationships are well founded and well nurtured they will be cause of a great joy for you today.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Take a good care of your health. Rest well, and keep your mind occupied with happy thoughts. Both your body and your soul need some rest and care. In most cases this is the beginning of all the ecliptic influence. The presence of death and other planes is strong today too, and work is suspicious. Be calm!

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Love life, is affected today. Problems come to light. There is tension between you and your spouse or lover. Not anything very much, probably, today, but this is one of the main focuses of the eclipse too, so, it is a good opportunity to take care of whatever you can do now. The closer we are to the eclipse, the harder things will be.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

There may be some tension in the family today. Parents or parent figures may have some problems on their own or amongst themselves and this cause you more than enough stress. It’s a good time to start taking care of your good health. A better diet is a good start.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic that deals with karma, other planes and cleansing of negativity is favoured. Here are a few of our spells and articles.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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