Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 29 August 2017

General Daily Predictions: Today Moon is in Sagittarius and it forms a triangle with Venus in Leo, a square with the Sun in Virgo and a square with Neptune in Pisces. Remember that Venus is still very active, although its long-term aspects have calmed down considerably, so with Moon’s triangle today, it can bring love life in the front line again. The square between the Sun and the Moon means that this is the first quarter, and with all this emphasis on Venus, it will be a good opportunity to cast the Magic Potion to shine like the Moon.

Today will be a … tense day for most of us. Maybe too many things to do, not enough time to do them. Try prioritise wisely.

Also, remember that Jupiter’s and Saturn’s hexagon is still extremely strong.

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Leo and Aries will be the luckiest signs. Virgo and Pisces will need some extra caution.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

A mostly beneficial day. Love life is emphasised in a good way. Libraries, book-stores and places of studying can become, unexpectedly, the place you’ll meet an important person for your life. Try to relax and rest as much as possible, as physical and mental health need some attention.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

A family oriented day. Maybe a little extra sentimental there, but probably not in a negative way. But other than that you should expect a not so happy day. Nothing really serious, but lots of little things form the scenery.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Nice things will happen between you and your friends or your other half. Home and family take most of your time though, and not in a pleasant way. Try to stay positive and calm. If you have business partners, they may also cause you some distress, but don’t react hastily. Things are not always the way you understand them at first glance.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

A good day for work and money. Some good news can be expected there. A bettering in your work situations is very possible and it can be a long lasting change as well. Some of your friends may have some problems and they will seek your advice. Try to listen the whole story before forming an opinion.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

A good and happy day in most aspects of it. You feel rather confident and shining and people around you perceive this and admire you. So, most things will go your way. Try not to overspend in pleasures and luxuries. You have this tendency today more than usually. Your magic is strong, but your intuition is not to be trusted blindly today.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Home and family will play an important part in your day. Mostly pleasant, in appearances at least. For some reason you may feel like you don’t belong there, or you don’t want to be there. This feeling may be even stronger when interacting with your spouse. Don’t give it too much importance. It’s just a bad feeling in most cases.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

A very good day for meeting people, chatting with people and working through internet and the like. Work for some reason or an other seems like has some problems. You have the tendency to over evaluate the situations negatively though, so try to see them more objectively.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

A very good day for career matters. Money are spent today, but wisely. Some extra income or bonus may also come. Don’t make too much plans to meet with people. Especially if you are in a relationship. The situation may become unpleasant, and your other half probably needs much of your time today as they have their own issues.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

This is a very good day to work with yourself and organise your thoughts. Especially the ones about your life dreams. A very good day to initiate the procedures by magical means or symbolic actions too. A very good day for students too. Important, but good. There are some problems with family, but not of great importance, and some tension about your career, especially if you are not working in your dream job. This is the Universe’s way to inform you about what needs to change.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

This is a very good day for those working with occult arts. By “working” I don’t necessarily mean as a job. Your magic is extra strong, your intuition is extra strong, your contact with your spirit guides, guardian angels and other spirits is very strong and potent. Empaths may have some extra problems because of this, though. While interacting with other people try not to be too sensitive on whatever they say and however they do it.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

You tend to be overly worried about your financials today. There are some excuses, but you over do it. Other than that it will be a mostly pleasant day. Friends and acquaintances may be very helpful, or at least pleasant. Very good day for those having internet based companies.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

A generally good and beneficial day for work and career related matters. Stress there seems to calm down and happy news are coming your way. Only exception is if you have business partners. Then, there may be some tension between you and them today. Nothing major, but annoying nevertheless. You also have a tendency for depression today. Support yourself and think happy thoughts.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is quite strong but the energies are a little peculiar, so work with ways you know and trust, or with gentle ways.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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