Horus, God of the Skies
Traditional Dates of Old Egypt:
April 20 – May 7, August 12 – August 19
Dates after the Greek influence
September 28 -October 27
Horus Zodiac Sign
Those born under the influence of Horus are creative, resourceful, aggressive and extremely active when they are motivated by their goals. Their stubbornness is a key to their personality, and once they made up their mind, nothing can really change it back. Naturally intelligent and curious, they will unveil the secrets they hide from them.

They are impatient, although they are also caring and protective towards those people and the things they love. They do not easily forgive, although they can show mercy. Their judgement is strict and fearsome. Treat them with love and they can unlock themselves for you once they are convinced about your integrity and the sincerity of your emotions.
Symbols – talismans for Horus Zodiac Sign: Eye of Horus
Animals: falcon, peregrine and also the bear
Colour: red and blue, black
Compatibility: Bast and Geb
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