Parallel Worlds Solely inhabited by one Zodiac Sign

Parallel Worlds Solely inhabited by one Zodiac Sign

We live in a beautiful World yet dangerous and strange. The key of the material world is balance. Yin and Yang. Love and Hate. Light and Shadow. Male and Female. All twelve zodiac signs live in balance with the world giving their blessings in harmony. Aries gives us enthusiasm, Virgo healing and Scorpio mysteries.

Worlds as Solely inhabited by one Zodiac Sign

All signs have something to give but how would the world be if only one Zodiac Sign existed? How would it be if only Taurus people lived in the world? Let’s discover these imaginary worlds together.

A World of Aries: 

A World of order and chaos. This is the World of Ares, God of War. A beautiful world with passionate people who live for today. Bright people who love adventures and activities. This is a world were people flirt and make love in a very passionate way. Architecture of this world is innovative full of high-end technology.

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Children are raised with amazing stories, praising bravery and nobility. The children play aggressively and engage in sports and other competitive activities. People who live in the World of Aries love to make discoveries and all kinds inventions. Innovation and Freedom are the keys.

The Mages and Witches are very powerful sorcerers of Fire and Blood. Dressed in Red robes have managed to find a way to harness the power of Fire and Passion and incorporate it in their lives. Dangerous yet wise.

A World of Taurus: 

A World of flowery scents, tasty food and beauty. This is the World of Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty and Love. These wonderful people love to create balance and beauty all over the world. They make love in a very passionate way. They build their houses in balance with the environment and the main rule is to be as cosy as possible.

Children are raised with music and arts. They learn to love and trust each other. Faith and honesty are important pillars of education. They speak in a delicate way and all try to practice their artistic skills. Beauty, Love and Sex are the keys.

The Witches and Mages of this land are experts in love and beauty potions. They all look younger than their age and they have even found a way to enchant with songs. Mermaids are their allies. They are usually not dressed at all, as they value too much the beauty of bodies. 

A World of Gemini:

A World where intelligence is the foundation of all. This is the World of Mercury, God of Wisdom, Trade and Communication. These smart people love to invent and communicate in many levels. Technology is very advanced and they have invented innovative ways for transportation. They build their houses near malls as they love commerce. They drive fast cars.

Children are raised with mathematics and riddles. They are taught to use the full capacity of their brains. They speak many languages, they are encouraged to travel more and every conversation is as exciting as making love. Ideas spread easily. Intelligence and transportation are the keys.

The Mages and Witches of this wicked land are great astral travellers. Since young age they learn how to communicate telepathically and use their power for inspiration. They hang out with sylphs and they are dressed lightly as they get their power from the Element of Air.  

Parallel Worlds Solely inhabited by one Zodiac Sign

A World of Cancer:

A World where bloodlines are strong and unbreakable. This is the World of Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and Intuition. These lovely people pay attention to their dreams and their intuition. They build their houses only near water and they have invented new ways of transportation over the seas, lakes and rivers.

Children are raised with love and appreciation to their emotions. They are taught to speak of their dreams and their intuition. Moreover, they are encouraged to listen to their guts and follow their dreams. They communicate with their parents as often as possible. Heritage and intuition are the keys.

The Witches and Mages of this World are experts in Sea Witchcraft. Advised by the spirits of the seas, rivers and lakes they love to live near the sea and hang out with the mermaids with which they have a wonderful and tender relation. 

A World of Leo:

A World of nobility, arts and order. This is the World of Apollo, God of the Sun, Sports, Arts and all Blessings. These wonderful people love sports and outdoor activities. Movie industry is blessed with excellent actors. They build their houses in a very impressive way, where the power of each family is displayed in the architecture.

Children are raised with stories of faith, heroes and achievements. They are encouraged to overcome their fears and love life in all possible ways. Furthermore, they are encouraged to participate in completive sports and love with passion. Passion and Arts are the keys.

The Witches and Mages of this land are advisors of the Kings and Queens. They hang out in the palace and have salamanders and fire-balls to guard them. They are great at defensive witchcraft and summoning spirit allies. 

A World of Virgo:

A World of order and honest communication. This is the World of Mercury, God of Wisdom, Trade and Communication. These wonderful people love mind games and a healthy way of living. They follow a healthy diet and they love sports. Moreover, these intelligent people love mind challenges. They build their houses in the most intelligent way with Zen aesthetics and flowery gardens with tulips and orchids.

Children are raised with virtues like wisdom, patience and agility. They are encouraged to improve their communication skills and study sciences. Furthermore, honesty and helping each other are the two pillars of education. Mind Clarity and Virtue are the keys.

The Mages and Witches of this land love to live as hermits for a little while as they learn to practice their Craft. They have tall towers of arcane magic with huge libraries where all the wisdom of the World is stored.  Students there study with the guidance of their teachers in a very harmonious way. 

A World of Libra:

A World of harmony, beauty and art. This is the World of Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty and Love. These beautiful, sexy people love to spoil each other with beauty and harmony in all aspects of life. No one shouts, no one argues and Peace prevails since the beginning of time. They build their houses with gardens of beautiful odorous roses and their roads smell like jasmine in the night sky.

Children are raised with masterpieces of literature and music. They are encouraged to play a musical instrument or sing or both as they are great at multitasking. Children are raised to co-operate and make strong relationships. Beauty and harmony are the Keys.

The Witches and Mages of this World are great in Beauty and Love potions. Anyone who looks at them is enchanted at once. They are great in alchemy too and they balance everything. 

A World of Scorpio:

A World of mysteries, truth and power. This is the World of Ares, God of War. These strong and enchanting people lust for adventures and explorations of any kind. They love to flirt, make love and search for the truth in life. This is a world where magic is more powerful. Honesty is important as no one lies. They build their houses near forests with high end technology.

Children are raised with virtues of power and adaptivity. They learn to live life and explore all their skills and abilities. All are encouraged to engage in sports, especially competitive ones. They are raised to become fearless fighters of life. Might and Passion are the keys.

The Witches and Mages of this World are the strongest ones. One reason for that is that they are in touch with their instincts and emotions. Moreover they can defy any other kind of magic. They live in strong castles with magical supplies.  

A World of Sagittarius:

A World of philosophy and opportunities. This is the World of Jupiter – Zeus, King of Gods. These smiley people live with ever lasting optimism and yes, everything they want, truly manifests at once. They build their houses in a way that promotes long-distance transportation. A world were you can travel with the speed of light!

Children are raised with virtues of optimism, honesty and philosophy. They are taught how to believe in themselves and they gather up in groups to discuss about the meaning of life and the origin of their bright world. Conversations might last days and nights but no one gets bored. Philosophy and optimism are the keys.

The Mages and Witches of this World are brave and all have griffons as friends with which they travel all over. Magic is displayed publicly and all are great in astrology. They predict almost anything with great accuracy.  

A World of Capricorn:

A World of order and nobility. This is the World of Saturn – Kronos , the father of Zeus, god of Time. These rational and gentle people are capable for almost everything. They love to create, especially things that last in time. They build their houses in the strongest way possible so that all their buildings last from the beginning of time.

Children are raised with virtues of love, patience and order. They are taught to listen to their teachers and work hard. Family is very important and the parents look after their children even if their sons and daughters get married. Patience and Truth are the keys.

The Witches and Mages of this world are extremely powerful as they have managed to tap into the power of Sex and Earth. They are dressed in black or dark brown robes only to isolate themselves from external stimuli. They can perform powerful rituals and move the Earth itself. 

A World of Aquarius:

A World of liberty and chaos. This is the World of Saturn – Kronos , the father of Zeus, god of Time. These innovative minds have created a world which changes constantly, with every step you make. Creative in every way we can imagine they have invented things that defy gravity and time. They build their houses, floating over the land in a very ecological way.

Children are raised to live free in any possible way but with respect to each other and to the environment. Internet is enhanced with devices which connect all human beings, animals and plants. The whole world is online. Innovation and Liberty are the keys.

The Witches and Mages of this World are very good at time magic. They can travel through time or pause time at will. Moreover, they are great at telepathy and they can “connect” with each living organism whenever they want. 

A World of Pisces.

A World of dreams and idealism. This is the World of Jupiter – Zeus, King of Gods. These mysterious and sensitive people live in a dream-like world where otherworldly odours fill the air and colours make our hearts beat stronger. They build their houses as if they were living in the kingdom of fairies.

Children are raised with love and affection. They are encouraged to follow their dreams and express their feelings in all possible ways. Art is very important and they are taught how to draw, paint, sing and write mysterious novels. Dreams and Magic are the keys.

The Witches and Mages of the World of Pisces are great in Fairy Magic. They can move from one world to another with little effort. Fairies hang out freely in this world as they are not afraid of getting hurt by humans. 

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