It’s here folks, Mercury has entered Retrograde and I have put together a few top tips on how to get through the upcoming weeks. It can be tough, it can be perplexing and it can be really bloody annoying, however, if you are open, it can be an eye-opening time too…

Here are my Top Tips for getting through Mercury in Retrograde
1) Take things people say with a pinch of salt. People become irritable and grouchy, and their communication skills are probably up the wazoo and not thinking straight.
2) Save everything, and then save it again. Technology isn’t exempt from the horrors. Make sure whatever you are working on is backed up and saved.
3) Don’t make any big decisions. When you aren’t thinking straight, you can make rash decisions that you may regret later. Life won’t stop because of funky planetary movements.
4) Don’t pay out for anything uber expensive. If you have to, make sure that you have the receipt to hand. Things tend to go ka-splat, no matter how much you have shelled out.
5) Don’t sign anything important. Okay, you can, but make sure know exactly what you are signing. Ask questions, re ask them until you are blue in the face, and then read and check the fine print. Don’t get caught out.
6) Travel….. If you are travelling during mercury in retrograde, make sure you check everything thrice, and just to be sure, check it again. Check you have your tickets, times and everything is correct. It is possible for things to go wrong. Heck, be paranoid regarding travel arrangements. lol
7) Be loose and free. Let this time take you on a journey, you might find what you have been lacking and what you have been looking for. Being open to new things is never easy, but Mercury will pull you whether or not you are willing, so it is much easier to let it happen naturally.
Find out more tips and opportunities for Retrograde Mercury.
*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*