Daily Predictions for Friday, 1 September 2017

Daily Predictions for Friday, 1 September 2017

Daily Predictions for Friday, 1 September 2017

General Daily Predictions: The Moon today from Capricorn will form a triangle with the Sun in Virgo, a hexagon with the retrograde Neptune in Pisces and a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. This will be an overall easy day. Magic of all kinds is emphasised. Especially so the one based on the Water and Earth elements. The same goes for whatever crosses the boundaries of the earthly plane, so interactions with the other realms and our ancestors is very potent.

Capricorn, Virgo and Pisces will be the luckiest zodiacs. Cancer is the sign that needs some extra care.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

An easy and probably beneficial day for work and career matters. Even more so if your job – current or the one you are trying to establish – is related with sex, magic or health and beauty. Income raises or bonuses are possible in any case. Your intuition is clear and strong.

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Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This I believe it to be a very good day for love matters, and especially for the single ones searching for their other half. You may meet somebody very interesting unexpectedly, and even more so in places of studying. Your social life in general is emphasised, mostly satisfactorily. Your friends and acquaintances can also become the means for you to meet with this special somebody.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Today you feel the need for some private and alone time. It’s not that difficult to satisfy this need, although in some cases you need to say a “no” or two. What will be a greater challenge will be to actually make a good use of this private time. Make the best of it and allow yourself to dream big.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

If you are in a relationship or a marriage, you are going to have a nice day with your beloved one. If not, then still this can be a nice day if you spend it with friends. Some problems may appear in arranging seeing your friends though. If you were having problems with your business partners this is a good day to work on them. They are more willing to understand your point of view and you can come in a mutual beneficial agreement.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Your focus turns on money and work today. Some things need your attention there, but it will be a beneficial day on the matter. Be safe while having sex. Well, this goes for everyone and everyday, but today you’ll better be a little more so. But other than that, sex will be pleasant.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Quite a happy and lucky day for you is this one. Love life is supported. Especially for those in a relationship or a marriage. You can receive a good amount of pleasure from there. In the rest aspects of your life you have a feeling of satisfaction and optimism, and Universe supports this feelings today.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Home, family, and your daily routine and job gain your attention today, and bring you more than one reasons to smile. Things you were trying to achieve for some time are starting manifesting, and this gives you motivation to go on.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

This is a social day for you. Phone calls and internet activity may occupy most of your time, but actual meetings are very possible as well. All this may overload your schedule, but you feel happy, important and beloved. Love life can have some happy developments, but if you are a single searching for a relationship, wait a little more before rejoicing. Some things may not be just as great as they look like at first.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Money, career and your luck there is rather good today. If you want to invest a little money on games of luck, this is a day you have good chances to win. Just be forewarned, I said “a little money” and “good chances”, so don’t overdo it. Even if you don’t play such games, your good luck will show itself today in other ways. Home may demands some expenses, but in most cases this will be things you want to do, and satisfy you, rather than problems you need to fix.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Your inner strength is great today. You feel self-confident and ready to do whatever you want to do. People tend to listen to your advice today more easily than usually. It is also possible that they ask for it more than usually too. Helping them makes you feel even better, and also, builds a good karma.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

This is a day to work your magic to realise your dreams. Especially those regarding love, sex and money. Both your intuition and your magical abilities are strong, even more so in these subjects, so make good use of them today. Some minor scale positive developments may happen in these areas even without any effort from your behalf.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

This is an interesting day for you. Social life and promotion of your work through social media is favoured for all Pisces. Those in a relationship or marriage will have a nice time with their other half, and will feel a little more strongly that this is where they want to be. Those seeking a relationship though will, most probably, change their target group, as they will come to realise that what they were seeking until now, it’s not what they really want.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is favoured. Water and Earth element based even more so.

That’s all. Have fun, enjoy your day and have a wonderful month!

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