Jupiter’s and Saturn’s sextile and The Air Signs

How does Jupiter's and Saturn's hexagon influence the zodiacs of the Air?

Jupiter’s and Saturn’s sextile and The Air Signs

Those born under the influence of the Zodiac Signs of Air usually need to interact with others to feel complete and even to learn more about themselves. Through the people around you, you can become better and more successful. This sextile does affects your social circle and what you receive from people around you one way or an other. Remember: In a beneficial way!

So, if you belong to a zodiac sign of Air (or your ascendant is there) you’ll feel the importance and support of people around you. But let’s see each one of the zodiacs.


Your optimism in every of life is raised, and motivates you to go forward. You want to live your life the best you can and the happiest you can. And that’s the way anyone should live their lives. From time to time you may be a little more risky, but, thankfully, the wise Saturn holds you in control – a good one and not a limiting one – most of the time. The two teachers have taught you, or will teach you the importance of your life. If this happened during the ecliptic period, it was probably a painful lesson. If it happens after that, it will be a much more happy lesson. In any way, now you know life is not to be wasted.

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Artistic talents are getting better or awakening during this aspect. Especially theatrical talents, drawing, sketching, and the likes of those. You may find a mentor type of person to help you become better. An opportunity to study these can also appear, if you seek for it, and in some cases, without even seeking it. For those already studying such arts, a change in your instructors is possible, as a better one is coming.

Friends are actively engaging with your life. They support you, mostly in a psychological way, but sometimes even with money or other goods or actions that help you achieve your goals. You lover, if you have one, can also support your goals very actively or enthusiastically. If you don’t have, this is a good opportunity to find one or to set the foundations to find one.

Relationships with a considerable age difference are supported. The same goes for marriages. Especially if you – the Gemini – are the younger one. Also relationships and marriages that promote your social and financial status. The latter sounds worse than it really is. Unless Saturn is in your seventh house in your natal chart, love is present here. It’s just that you are lucky enough the one you love and loves you back, to be able to promote your social or financial status.

In any case, existing relationships are getting more serious. This can come in a somewhat unpleasant way, as all problems come to light. But it will end up in a much healthier, deeper, stronger and happier relationship for all cases where the foundations are strong. If there are no foundations then a break up is possible, but only to open the roads for a new, much more fulfilling relationship to come.

Much younger Geminis, or sexually and erotically inexperienced ones, may have multiple affairs during this period. Or even for some – or more than some – time to come. This is an “educational” experience much more than a lustful one. Through these relationships you are learning what you want from your relationship and life. Enjoy this unusual period, but try to learn your lessons as fast as possible. The sooner you learn them, the sooner true romantic and sexual pleasure will come through a fulfilling relationship.

If you have children, your relationships with them is challenged – in order to become better though. This means that if your relationships are already good, loving and trusting, your kids will be a great source of happiness in your life now, and your relationship with them will become even better and more meaningful, and thus, they’ll keep being a source of joy for years to come. If there are problems though, these will come to light. Instead of just complaining about them, or trying to deny them, try to heal them. At least do the best you can on your behalf. If you do so, the bettering of the situations will come. It may take some time – or even a few years – but it will come progressively.


Jupiter was in your zodiac for about a year, and now, as it leaves sends you a final very strong blessing through the sextiles with Saturn and Venus. As we said in the general analysis of the hexagon, the day when Jupiter enters Scorpio is, coincidentally, also the day the hexagon’s influences will stop being noticeable. So, hopefully, you’ve manages to make the most of Jupiter’s blessings during this year. If not, at least make sure you’ll make a good use of this final blessing.

A general good luck – nothing too much probably though – was present during the year. This will be even more so during the second half (in which we are now) of the sextile’s influences. Whatever you want to do and achieve seems easier and without unnecessary obstacles. This goes, of course, if you focus on your goals and not on how other people should act to satisfy you. You are building your world around you, even if you don’t realise it. This is one of the lessons you are asked to learn.

An other lesson is that supporting others is the best way to receive love and support. Offer to those around you, and especially to those you consider important, you love, enthusiasm, support and understanding. You want to offer money as well? Do so, but you shouldn’t consider this as the best thing to offer. If you want to build better relationships with the important people in your life, the qualities mentioned above are much more important and with much longer lasting effects.

Your mental abilities are sharp and strong. If you engage with activities that require brains, either for work or as a hobby you’ll find yourself being very capable and successful in these. For those who abandoned school before finishing it, opportunities to return there will appear, if this is what you want, of course. Also, if you wanted to study a subject and life got in your way of achieving this, now you can do it, either officialy in a school, or for personal pleasure.

Libras still in school, and mostly under College level, may find themselves in a leading or honoured position of some kind. This can isolate them though from the rest of the class. Exercising kindness, and offering support and care will help them remain popular or become even more popular.

The way your mind works under the influence of the sextile allows you to find practical and feasible steps towards all your goals. Once again, this goes if you don’t try to control others, or blame others for your situations. Take your life in your hands and make it better in any possible way you want.


Studying of all types is one of the main focuses of this sextile for those born under the influence of Aquarius. If you are an actual student your studies will go well with less effort, and if you give your all, the benefits will be long lasting. Changes in schools and courses are very possible, as well as changes of the teachers. All these will happen for your best, so don’t be too stressed about these changes even if they don’t look too positive or easy right away. Studies related to law or foreign languages are favoured even more.

Travelling can play a big role in your life too. Relocating of your place of work or living in an place or even country is very possible too. Those who work with people from other countries receive a great amount of blessings in their jobs. Education in other countries is also favoured. In short, whatever has to do with other countries, other places, or people from afar, receives the beneficial influences of the hexagon.

This trade expresses itself in inner journeys and travelling in different plains as well. If you wanted to study astral projection, this is the best time to do so. Success may take some time, but the two celestial teachers guarantee it for all those willing to offer the needed time and practice enough.

Your imagination, creative and otherwise, is very vivid and strong. If your job or hobbies require imagination, make the best use of it there. If not, try creative visualisation to achieve your goals and to create the life you want to live.

Your most close friendships may be challenged. Friends older than you or who you admire for some reason will become stronger and more inspiring. The others, depending on honesty and foundation, will either become healthier or cease – or practically cease – to exist.

World asks for your help and guidance. If you are in a position of power, such as a president or a boss, or your work has to do with consultation, your popularity and chances of success are getting much stronger. Do your best in these areas and you’ll be recognised now and for years to come.

A humanitarian tendency may awake inside you, or maybe become stronger if it has already done so. Honour it. At the very least you build a good karma, but the benefits of it will be even more. Some of you may think you don’t have enough money or time to honour this tendency. Try to find a way you can afford. By doing so, you also prove to yourself that, if you want it, you can do it. Even more, you show trust to the Universe, and the Universe will respond with blessings for years to come.

Do take a look at the article about the general influences of the hexagon between Jupiter and Saturn, and also, do refer to the analysis of your ascendant as well.

That’s it. Have fun, and make the most of this beneficial aspect!

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