“I will Love you until…” based on Zodiac Signs

I will love you until... What makes a Zodiac Sign stop loving you? Find out what makes a Zodiac Sign go mad so that you can protect your relationships.


I will love you until the end of time… Love is such a wonderful thing. It can transmute even the darkest energy into Light. Love can banish sadness, love can heal, love can open the Gates of Heaven. Definitely Love is the key for all practitioners as this ultimate feeling can help you perform miracles in all parts of life.

“I will Love you until…” based on Zodiac Signs

What happens though when love fades away? Can we predict it? What is this thing that drives us mad? Here you will find what makes a Zodiac Sign lose faith in Love. This can help us predict the degeneration of our relationship, wether this is a romantic one, professional of friendship.

Aries: …until you Betray me!

Whatever this may mean. You see, Aries is the Zodiac sign of the God of War – Mars / Ares. This means only one thing. Every day of their lives is a constant battle between anything. They are prepared to fight until they leave their last breath. But what are they fighting for?

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Clearly, most of the times, they are fighting ghosts they merely exist. So when they’ve won they might get bored and then they will search for things which make them angry so they need to fight again. Aries wants to conquer. If you are engaged in any way with an Aries keep them occupied. Give them always something to conquer. In this way they will keep trying to get you… forever. Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Taurus: … until you break my heart

Most of the times it takes a lot of bad moves to break a Taurus’s heart. They might get easily hurt but no it’s not easy to destroy them. This is why they are considered to be faithful and steady, enduring whatever problem Cosmos might bring.

Once you’ve earned their trust, one thing can make them change their mind. Betray their trust by making them feel insecure about their own choices – you! It is not easy – I repeat – to achieve that. Don’t break their heart by insulting their house or the way they look. Find an easy – creative way to criticize whatever you want to. Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Gemini: … until you try to outsmart me

So you want to play mind games with Gemini… bad idea. You don’t mess with the masters of deception. Their minds run faster than you can anticipate and trying to outsmart them can really backfire… a lot!

The Sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury – Hermes, the planet and God of Intellectual affairs, communication and commerce. They don’t always look for games like this but once the’ve realized that you try to fool them that’s it. From this moment, they will find a way to make you look stupid. Don’t play games with the masters… Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Cancer: … until you abandon me

They are the sign of the Moon – Artemis / Diana and company (of any kind) is really important for them. Don’t get me wrong, they do love to have some quality time for themselves but through relationships they look for balance. Once they trust someone they can give the world to them.

Cancer is sweet and possessive. Do not betray their trust. Emotional security is extremely important to them. Therefore you need to find ways to make them feel safe. They will love you until you make them believe you are unworthy of their trust and love. From this time they will drift apart like the tides of the sea and it’s quite impossible to make them come back. Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Leo:… until you make me look like a fool

Everything is about Leo as the Sun is the center of our planetary system. It’s quite natural to feel that they are always judged and criticized. They are very protective about their social image and in a relationship they need to feel appreciated.

Do not insult them – especially about things they feel insecure – or consider them to be sacred. They will love you until you prove yourself ungrateful for all the things they’ve done for you. Always find something good to say to them. Leos are people who love truth, hence they do know their advantages and their flaws. They just don’t want you – the ones they love – to rub these mistakes on their faces. They want you to be the ones who embrace them because of who they truly are. Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Virgo: … until you start lying

They are the children of Mercury – Herms. Masters of truth and criticism. They know what is happening all the time and they are keen observers of human behaviour. The moment you start lying to them is the moment you lose them forever.

Virgo can trust anyone and they always come with a heart full of hope. Yet, they are easily hurt. Hence they can easily lose faith to someone, especially if lies are detected at the beginning of a relationship – any relationship. They will love you until you start messing with their heads – making them question every word you say. Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Libra: … until you mess with my peace

Natural peace makers and diplomats they will always look for a way to end quarrels and make Earth a living paradise. If you somehow mess with their “way” of order and beauty you are dead to them.

The Children of Venus – Aphrodite will do anything that is possible to make a relationship last – in the way they want of course. They will not show you directly what they despise but you will start feeling the difference in a subtle way until its all over. Never shout around them, stop asking for troubles and mess with their stuff. Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Scorpio: … until you start keeping secrets from me

You don’t wanna mess with them. You truly don’t. Stop asking for troubles then. Come clean to them. They can handle the truth as long as they are sure you don’t keep anything secret from them.

No matter how messed us you are, a Scorpio can truly love you until s/he smells lies and secrets. The key to keep them forever is to be honest to yourself and to them. Never try to outsmart them because sooner or later they will find out. And yes, they hold grudges and although they can forgive you, they will never forget it. Why mess with such a truthful relationship? Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Sagittarius: … until you no longer bring me hope

How do you make the children of Zeus – Jupiter go mad? Well it’s easy. All you have to do is to make them feel miserable. They can truly love you until you shut the door of optimism for them. If they can no longer wait for something good to happen you are becoming a shadow.

Sagittarius always aims higher and higher and all they want is someone to trust their vision and their integrity. Do not mess with that. If you want to criticize their goals do it in a creative way. Troubled times will come for everyone. You can be sad and you can feel devastated. Don’t make them lose hope though. Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Capricorn: … until you give up

They are the children of the God of time – Saturn – Kronos. These guys truly know how to make things last – including relationships. Capricorn is truthful and warm hearted. All you have to do is look at what’s best for both of you.

The moment you give up on your life is the moment they stop admiring you. Capricorn falls in love with the ones they admire – in any way they can. No matter how troubled you are always find a way to work with yourself and aim higher. They are really patient and this might take you decades. Just make clear you do want to make things better – in any way possible. If you manage to do you that they can love you until the end of days. Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Aquarius: … until you look like everyone else

They are drawn by what makes you unique. These little traits of your personality are the ones who will make an aquarius attracted by you. You may not feel proud of them but they are keen on picking the right one for them. The one who will make the world unique and different that all other worlds.

Never neglect that you are unique. Embrace your diverse qualities and don’t forget to cultivate your talents. Never stop amazing them with your all these little secrets you hold on your sleeve, the one they fall in love with in the first place. Do not change. Stay unique. Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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Pisces: … until you make me stop dreaming

They will embrace and love you until you make them lose faith in their dreams. Their dreamworld is the real world for them and they casually travel there to get inspired. Never stop inspiring them with your tender words and you warm heart.

Pisces is really sensitive although they might look out-worldly and cold. They occasionally love to drift apart and hang out with fairies and elves. It’s ok to remind them to live in this world but never drag them violently into it. Their fairy-hearts need more colours. Respect that. If you do that, they will love you until the end of times. Find more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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