Daily Predictions for Monday, 2 October 2017

Daily Predictions for Monday, 2 October 2017

Daily Predictions for Monday, 2 October 2017

General Daily Predictions: Moon starts the day from Aquarius and while being there it keeps supporting Saturn in Sagittarius via a hexagon, and Jupiter in Libra with a triangle, which today becomes accurate. It also forms a hexagon with Uranus in Aries. Then it will enter Pisces, and while there it will keep supporting Jupiter till the end of the day.

So, this is going to be, an even better and luckier day. More active and creative too, as more energies are acting. The long lasting aspects we talked about yesterday are, of course, active. Chiron receives a minor stress from the Moon. Aspects like these I don’t usually mention, but as Chiron is already very active, I mention it for it will make its activity a little more obvious.

A generally good and lucky day for all. Aquarius, Libra and Aries will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Pisces will be the “unluckiest” one, but as said, this is a lucky day for all.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

Yesterday’s beneficial aspects are all active today, and in the beginning of the day even more strongly than yesterday. In addition, it’s a good day to arrange new partnerships or deal with problems with your current partners. They also have good ideas in helping your causes. Your artistic talents are very active too, and you also feel confident about them.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Still both love life and career are supported. Work can become very productive and prosperous today. This can also be the beginning of a prosperous period, rather than a prosperous day. Your magic is very strong, and so is your intuition. Use it for whatever you want to achieve. Love, sex, money and health are its strongest points today, but it will work greatly for every cause.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Much more joyous day and much luckier in finding a love partner, if you are seeking one. Love interests can appear in places of studying, internet, or as friends of a friends. If this is what you want, make sure to make the best use of all these possibilities. Business partnerships are also favoured much. Good ideas for promoting your business can come through discussing things with them, or, if you don’t have partners, with your most important people of your life.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Money and work are becoming the main focus today and in a very auspicious way, that is. It is a very good day for those seeking a job or for those wanting to expand their business. Promotions or salary raises are possible too, as this influence can have some long lasting effects. Sex and love life are still important but mostly from inside out. By this I mean you are focusing on becoming more beautiful and sexy, or better express your beauty and sexiness. This, of course, can have wonderful results.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

This will be a probably an even better and probably much more social day than yesterday. Try not to neglect your special someone to spend time with others, as you can have a marvellous time with your other half. But if you are seeking for this special someone, do spend time with friend, co-workers and acquittance. There is a good possibility in finding one amongst their circles.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Still a very lucky day for work and money matters. A very creative day as well on the subjects. Family and home can also become more important, but pleasantly so. Changing or reforming your place of living is blessed today, so if you intend to do such a thing, do it today, or work on it today. Sexual health also becomes important, but I’m not expecting real problems. Pay attention though.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

This is a generally lucky and productive day for you. All things fall in place and your plans proceed easily. Your inner strength is heightened and you feel like you can move mountains. Money through work and similar sources is favoured and new ideas as how to obtain more can come in mind or even manifested.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Work is important and probably prosperous. A very good day to make plans and preparations for work related projects. Artistic and creative kind of jobs are favoured even more. If you are working from home, this can be an even more lucky and creative day. Employ your intuition, and spiritual powers to help you promote your business. Today they are strong in this aspect.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Still in a social period. Social media are also part of it, and a good one. Business based in internet also receive a good amount of blessings, but promoting yourself will help you more than promoting your products. A good day for love issues as well. Unexpected and unscheduled events can bring you face to face with a new lover, if this is what you want, or empower the fire in the current relationship if that’s what is needed.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Career and money are still the main focus. Maybe a little more strongly and more luckily than yesterday. Home also receives some blessings. You may try to better your place of living, or this can happen without your effort in one way or an other. Artists can be luckier than the rest of the members of the zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

A very good day for self advertisement. Internet promotions are lucky for you today. Promoting and advertising yourself in your social media can also be very helpful. Even more helpful in many cases. Reconnecting with people you’ve lost contact with is also possible and also pleasant and lucky. Are you searching for like minded new friends? This may be proved to be your lucky day.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Spiritual and magical support of your money and career goals is very strong for you today. Even if you don’t engage such methods, today your natural spiritual abilities will build your fate in these aspects to a degree, so focus on positive and optimistic thoughts. Sexuality and sensuality are also strong. Enjoy them the better you can.

Astrology and Magic:

Money, success and wish fulfilment are strong. Should I remind that love magic is strong, and will remain strong, until the 22nd of the month?


That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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