Dumb Supper Prayer

Dumb Supper Prayer

This is a prayer that can be used for Dumb suppers if prepared beforehand. I wrote it a few years ago. Dumb Supper Prayer. Read more about Dumb Supper here!

Remember, this Halloween, we Present you… Qooest! 

Samhain Prayer – Dumb Supper Prayer

Tonight is the night that we call to you,

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Tonight is the night we honour you

Tonight is the night when our worlds meet

Tonight is the night the veil thins.


To the spirits of my fathers and mothers passed,

I ask you to join me, in this my feast, on this night.


You who have always walked with me,

watching me, protecting me, guiding me.

Tonight I thank you, I honour you

All who have come before me.


Your blood runs strong through my veins,

Your spirit rules forever over my heart,

Your memories are always with me, in my soul.


To the spirits of my fathers and mothers passed,

I ask you to join me, in this my feast, on this night.


I give you this gift, the gift of remembrance

As this night our world are destined to meet.

You may have passed beyond my waking sight,

You are never forgotten, never set aside.


For you live within me,

Within all your children the world over,

Within in each generation that is to come.


To the spirits of my fathers and mothers passed,

I ask you to join me, in this my feast, on this night.

*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*

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