October Energy Calendar

October Energy Calendar

October is always a month where energy plays a featuring role as Samhain is coming up at the end of the month. However; before we honour our ancestros and go Trick or Treating we have a wonderful month of energy. Here comes, the October Energy Calendar.

October Energy Calendar

2nd October – The Moon enters Pisces – 15:26
4th October – The Moon enters Aries – 21:39
5th October – Full Moon in Aries – 19:40
7th October – The Moon enters Taurus – 00:55
7th October – Draconids Meteor Shower
9th October – The Moon enters Gemini – 02:44
11th October – The Moon enters Cancer – 04:38
13th October – The Moon enters Leo – 07:41
15th October – The Moon enters Virgo – 12:18
17th October – The Moon enters Libra – 18:34
19th October – The New Moon in Libra – 19:12
20th October – The Moon enters Scorpio – 02:40
21st October – Orionids Meteor Shower
22nd October – The Moon enters Sagittarius – 12:56
22nd October – Orionids Meteor Shower
25th October – The Moon enters Capricorn – 01:22
27th October – The Moon enters Aquarius – 13:58
29th October – The Moon enters Pisces – 23:46
31st October – Samhain– Halloween
31st October – Beltane

Please note that all the times in this article are based on UTC – Universal Co-ordinated Time. If you would like to know what the time would be where you live, here is a time conversion website —-> timeanddate.com

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*)0(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)0(*

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