Samhain Gods and Goddesses

Samhain Gods and Goddesses

Contrary to what has become popular belief – from TV and the internet – Samhain is NOT a Celtic deity, and certainly is not a Celtic god of Death. That honor lies with The Morrigan. Here is a list of deities that are associated with Samhain and Death. Let’s see our list with Samhain Gods and Goddesses.

Samhain Gods and Goddesses

Anubis – Egyptian

This god has the head of a Jackal and is associated with death and mummification. It’s Anubis that decides whether of not the deceased is worthy of reaching the realm of the dead.

Osiris – Egyptian  

The story of Osiris’ death and his dismemberment by his brother Set, then his resurrection by his dearly beloved Queen and lover Isis has been associated with the last harvests.

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The Morrigan – Celtic

A warrior goddess that is associated with death and is often represented by a trio of ravens. It is she who decides who shall leave the battlefield alive and who shall be carried away on their shields.

Yama – Hindu  

In Hindu tradition Yama was the very first mortal to die and go to the next world, here he is appointed as king of the dead.

Hel – Norse  

She is the ruler of the underworld in Norse mythology, that is also named Hel. Mortals that do not die in battle, normally from sickness or old age, join her in Éljúðnir

Freya – Norse

Normally freya is associated with fertility and abundance, but she is also known as a goddess of battle and war. Half of the man that died in battle would go to valhalla, but the rest would join freya in Folkvangr.

Demeter – Greek

Through the loss of her beloved daughter, Persephone, Demeter is linked to the changing of the seasons and is her imagery has been linked to the Dark Mother and the death of the fields, with Hades stealing Persephone, Demeter let the death die for half the year, until her daughter returns.

Hades – Greek

The Greek God of the Underworld, and keeper of the dead. The ancient greeks named the Underworld after this imposing God. He would ensure the souls of the dead remained in the Underworld where they belonged.

There are many other of course, from many other traditions, but these are the most “popular” deities in modern paganism.

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