What Blocks your Magic – 5 Mistakes

What Blocks your Magic - 5 Mistakes

What Blocks your Magic? We receive many many emails about spells that don’t go exactly by the plan. At best nothing appears to be happening, at worst the spell backfires and oh boy! it can create some real damage.

What Blocks your Magic? Unleash your potential – 5 Mistakes that prevent our spell casting to be fruitful

That does not mean that we should not be casting spells but we need to understand that this is a perfect opportunity that has been designed in order to learn from our experience and become better. Being a Witch is not just a title we bear, but instead it is a responsibility to ourselves first and foremost, to the people we advise, to the Environment and the whole Universe. With that in mind, let’s see some of the most common mistakes we make:

1.Spellcasting with no emotion, is like a sea without water

As it is impossible to have a sea without water, it is impossible to have amazing results while casting spells if we do not have strong feelings about what we want to achieve. Curiosity is a motive, but when combined with fear the results can be catastrophic. The same applies to a spell we have borrowed from a fellow witch, but does not mean anything to us – it makes no sense and does not speak to our soul.

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The moment we believe something is really us- our style, our way of thinking, our way of expressing ourselves- that’s when miracles happen, because we dance to the tune, the tune that makes our bodies move in a magical way. The reason why so many writers say that you need to be the writer of your own spells is this. You put something of you in your spells, the same way a painter puts something of themselves in their painting.

Yes sometimes people who own spells ask readers not to change them, this is because we know that the energy that can be raised is tremendous and needs a delicate way to be expressed. So take this as a lesson and always remember, how do I feel about this spell, how do I feel about this goal? Why is it important to me? How much do I really want it? These are all legitimate questions which I hope will not discourage you from casting spells but instead make you think what can be done in a better way.

2. Repetition is a key to success

I have already cover the topic that patience in witchcraft is a required quality. Now I am going to analyse it under a different prism. The more you repeat a spell or ritual, the more power you give it. The spell/ritual matures with you, becomes a way of living, it is embroidered with your energy and starts working its way.

Let’s say that you cast a spell for prosperity and the Universe responds but not in a way that you notice and then you stop because you feel you are doing something wrong. Guess what? If you have kept going you could have your end result. Mastering an art is not an easy thing even if you have affinity for it, and one of the qualities apart from patience which is required is persistence. Learn to persist and repeat your spells and stop getting discouraged, this will not take you very far.

3. Clear blockages first and trust the guidance you receive

Ok I know there are two messages here but let’s see this. Janet was always shy and was not very successful in matters of love, and she decides that she want to cast a spell to find true love and ideally her soulmate. Analysing this, first Janet must understand why she chose to be a shy person, then look into why this shyness (which many find cute) is to blame for not being successful in love, is there anything else that actually blocks Janet, why Janet wants to cast a love spell, how open is she to find true love and another hundred related questions.

What we realise is that Janet should not have been casting a love spell, at least not yet, but instead a self-awareness one. Well if you are working with forces that try to be helpful, even if you want to cast a love spell, they will give you hints during your love/spells rituals – visions, signs, dreams, about where you need to focus in order to succeed in your goal. The more you resist, the bigger the blockage and the less the energy that is being accumulated and released. Release the blocks and see what will happen. It takes time but believe me it is well invested.

4. Know with what you are messing with

This particular piece of advice should be taken with a piece of salt. To be very explicit, what I have in my mind while writing this it is those who mindlessly engage with entities or ‘deities’ that actually are malevolent or those who want to cause harm, those who didn’t have luck in love and they want to bring their ex back no matter what, those who abuse their power, those who feel that breaking a decade long hex should be a piece of cake and those who actually trust blindly the words of others without thinking for themselves should not face consequences for their mistakes.

As you can see, I have specifics in my mind and to be honest I would like this excerpt to be a sort of guidance to them. Yes we all make mistakes, but it is important to understand that there are always consequences – good or bad for whatever we do. Some people call it karma, some people call it the ‘law of three’, others call it simply consequences. What we do in our Craft has a direct impact in our lives, and believe me the fact that we are working to a less material level makes it more difficult to perceive the changes we make. Going back to the point, help will always be provided but always remember the biggest damage we can get we can only inflict it ourselves with our choices. Change your mind, change it all. (Read more here why your spells sometimes don’t work).

5. There is a time and season for everything

There is a ton of occult knowledge about the importance of doing the right things at the right time. Astrology, ritual magic, alchemy have already outlined the importance of timing. There are cosmic forces which are at play, we witness it in the phases of the moon, in the position of the Sun and the Stars, in the Seasons and our land.

As above so below is the law and so it is. The more we get attuned to the natural world that surrounds us we manage to tap into this energy and with our spells we manage to ride a bigger wave. Now imagine that we ride that wave the opposite way, this is a time of banishing and we cast a love spell, this is a time for prosperity and we cast a self-awareness spell (this may actually work). I do not want to deter you from actually casting any sort of spell instead I ask you to put more effort into planning your spell casting better. Only because, like any successful farmer knows, planning and timing the sowing will greatly affect the quality of crops that you will get.

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