Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 21 November 2017

General Daily Predictions: Early today, the Moon from Sagittarius conjuncts Saturn. Then it will remain void of course for almost seven hours. This will be from 00:26 to 07:14 UT. Still, it won’t form any other aspect. From Capricorn, it will star forming a hexagon with Jupiter in Scorpio, though, which will be accurate tomorrow.

Regarding the long lasting aspects, Venus from Scorpio, accurately today, forms a hexagon with Pluto in Capricorn.

This will be a peaceful and calm day. It will star with a little more – productive – tension, and end with some luck. The most important “danger” is the void of course Moon period. Avoid starting new projects and signing important deals during this period. If you can avoid it, of course. As you know, the void of course Moon is not really an inauspicious “aspect”. It’s a not-auspicious one.

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As Saturn and its team, and Jupiter will be the main characters of the day, refer to the New Moon’s article and the Jupiter in Scorpio article, for more information.

Sagittarius, Scorpio and Capricorn will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Gemini, Taurus and Cancer will be the less lucky ones.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Things today are happening in a way that help you realise how blessed you are. Don’t expect, though huge changes. Just little hints to let you see clearer where you stand.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

There is an emphasis in romance and love today. Both in real life and in imagination. Reading, writing, or watching romance, becomes more interesting, if you already have an interest about these. Small happy developments of the kind may happen to your life, or to the lives of friends.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Work gives you some sense of satisfaction today. You seem to enjoy your time there more than usually. At the very least, the day proceeds peacefully and, most probably, pleasantly productively.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Love affairs can advance a little today. New love interests may appear. New relationships can have a nice day. Those that are not so new, will also have a nice day, but in a calmer manner.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

If you are working from home, this day may be quite a productive and profitable. Otherwise, I wouldn’t expect anything bad to happen, but nothing too good either. If your parents deal with health issues, then expect some good news on the matter.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Peacefully happy and slightly lucky this day will be for you. Having nice time with friends, or co-workers is possible. If you don’t have such plans, it may be a good idea to arrange something of the kind.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Those who are looking for a kind of sponsorship to achieve their goals, they may find one today. Family or family’s acquaintances can become willing to help you with your causes. But this can happen the other way around as well. That means, you may become the sponsor.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Meeting interesting people is possible. Or people who make you realise your value. Work can be the source of such people. Other than that, you seem to have a generally good luck today. Not a super great luck, but there is a natural good luck on whatever you are doing.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Your financial intuition is somewhat more capable than usual today. This can help you finding better strategies to manage your financials, both for reducing debts and expenses, and for raising your income. Games of luck, though, are not really favoured.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

This can be a very happy and satisfactory day for you, especially if you deal with many people, or the general public. Whether you interact with these people for work, or personal reasons doesn’t matter. Well… it indicates where to expect the joy from, of course.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Ideas about changing you career, job, or work strategies may appear. Take a notice of them, but avoid deciding during the void of course Moon. Other than that there is no reason to hesitate. Psychologists, parapsychologists and similar professions can have a good day.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

This is a mostly calm day. Most things go as you expect them to do. Internet or otherwise wide rage advertisement is auspicious. Avoid, of course, the void of course Moon to launch such a campaign. Students can expect something good today.

Astrology and Magic:

There is an extra emphasis in beauty magic today. Changing your appearance, truly, or illusionary, is potent.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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