Aquarius Horoscope for 2018: Success knocks your Door

Aquarius Horoscope for 2018: Success knocks your Door

Aquarius Horoscope for 2018: the new year will be drenched in accomplishments in most parts of your life. You will see yourself succeeding in challenging tasks. Moreover you can fulfill dreams you may have forgotten the past years. However, remember! The top of a mountain is a lonely place. 

Aquarius Horoscope for 2018: Success knocks your Door!

The time has come to make your dreams come true. In 2018 Jupiter is going to be in Scorpio (until November 2018). In this position, the planet of opportunities will bless you career giving you the chance to prove what an amazing person you are. You might also get promoted and/or receive a raise of your monthly income. 

You might get the chance to promote your business or negotiate co-operations with foreign countries. Everything that has to do with the Internet and/or global communication is favored. You might even fall in love in your work environment making your everyday schedule even more interesting! 

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It is also extremely interesting that Mars will stay in your Zodiac Sign for about 5 months. This new position will reinforce you with endless energy. However, if this energy is not directly wisely it may cause anxiety or make you aggressive and extremely competitive. Try to work out or even engage in other competitive sports or martial arts in order to direct this excessive energy. 

However, the new position of Saturn will change a lot inside you. The past 3 years Saturn made things difficult in your social circles. You might lost many friends. Although friends are not influenced directly now, you might feel lonely or worse… isolated.  Try to find a way to catch up with your friends in a regular basis – no matter how tough it is. 

This new position of Saturn talks about a sacrifice that need to be made. You may need to spend some time and/or energy for the greater good. Only then you will feel whole again. Remember this advice. Helping the poor or joining groups for a greater good can help you achieve a greater balance inside you. 

Aquarius Horoscope for 2018 in Spotlight: 

This is a year of success and physical and financial growth. You will now have the chance to shine brightly and achieve your goals. Dreams might come true. However, do not become too competitive and lose -more- friends. Find a way to keep in touch with the people that make you happy! 

Let’s see some more detailed features of Aquarius Horoscope for 2018.


The most of this years blessings are focused on your career and everything that is work related. Try to make the best out of it!


Although the cold breath of Saturn has stop influencing directly your relationships, a sense of disappointment is bothering you. Try to let past go. 

  • Tip: Now you can embark on your Qooest to find your Soulmate or make New Friends. Join the Free Witchy Social Network and begin your Qooest! Visit


Amazing power has just arrived although it is really difficult to recognize it right now. Meditation can help you.


Your health needs your attention as the psychological pressure might bring unfortunate conditions. Try to direct your energy in a constructive way. 


A very helpful year which can open the doors of success. You will have the chance to manage your finances in a better way increasing your income. 

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aquarius-horoscope-2018-success-knocks-doorWhat 2018 will bring to you. Aquarius Horoscope for 2018 in Spotlight.