Daily Predictions for Saturday, 16 December 2017

Daily Predictions for Saturday, 16 December 2017

Daily Predictions for Saturday, 16 December 2017

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon enters Sagittarius and from there it starts forming a square with Neptune in Pisces.

In addition, the Sun from Sagittarius forms an accurate triangle with the retrograde Uranus in Aries.

So, yes, today the Moon isn’t void of course, but it isn’t really active. Since most of the long lasting aspects, including the one becoming accurate today, are beneficial, expect a mostly calm day with a pinch or two of good luck and progress.

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Water and water bodies can be a little dangerous, especially if you have had a not so pleasant past with those. So, be careful when magically, or physically interact with water.

Sagittarius, Aries and Leo will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius will be the most stressed ones. But for both the lucky and the unlucky ones, I don’t expect major happenings.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Studies, travelling and long distance relationships all look auspicious today. Studies and occupations of philosophy, literature and the metaphysics may progress even more. Love life will receive some blessings even without a long distance relationship.

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Daily Predictions for Taurus:

There is an emphasis in love and sex life. Not to great on it’s own, but as many long lasting aspects support it, even a little can be enough. So, this can be a pleasant day for both the singles and those in a relationship. Not very wild, but pleasant. If you are a single, go out and be bright.

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Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Problems with your business partners or your life partner calm down today. The mind clears too. So, this is a good day to deal with these problems and solve them. If there are no such problems, then expect some kind of progress or pleasure in the same aspects of your life.

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Daily Predictions for Cancer:

There is some focus in work today, and some good luck too. If there was stress there, now it subsides. If it’s up to you to correct the situations there, do so today, to any extend you can. Health also can be improved, if you had any problem there.

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Daily Predictions for Leo:

This will be a generally joyous and lucky day. Although I’m not expecting major events, they are not impossible. Therefore, if you want to achieve something remarkable, focus your energies and your actions to that direction.

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Daily Predictions for Virgo:

This will be a quite and relaxed day. If this is a day off for you, then staying at home, relaxing and resting is probably what you want to do. And in fact, whatever your case is, do that to the degree you can do it. Recharging your batteries is what you should be doing today, in any way this works for you.

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Daily Predictions for Libra:

Trade receives some good luck. Buying necessary equipment is auspicious. Even more so, if you’ve kept postponing it for some time now. Friends, siblings or sibling figures are supportive, if you need them to be. If not, they are fun to be with.

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Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

There is some good luck, and probably some progress regarding money. Solving problems there is more compatible with the energies this part of your life receives today. So, if you have any financial issues, try to solve them today.

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Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

This is a very brilliant day for you. Good luck coming your way and self-confidence is radiated by you. This is a very good combination. You can achieve anything and everything you put your mind on. Even more, this will last for two more days, so make the best out of those.

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Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Your imagination is very strong, active and productive today. Artists and the arts receive more blessings, but wherever you employ your imagination will progress. Also, do keep your eyes open for omens. You may see more than one today.

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Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Catching up with your social life, as well as working on, and promoting, your web pages and social media are very auspicious. Internet and high-tech seem like they want to be your best friends today. Although an obvious and immediate great success isn’t very likely to happen, do your best today and success will become even more obvious in the near future.

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Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Career matters seem lucky. Lately most of you had to deal with unbalanced situations in this part of your life. Not bad, but unbalanced. In some cases uncertain. Today things calm down, fall in their proper places and the scenery becomes more clear and auspicious. If things were pretty good until now, today they can become even better.

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Astrology and Magic:

All magic is benefited. Even Water magic. But, if you work with the element of water, be a little more careful. Healing is probably the strongest aspect of magic today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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