New Moon In Sagittarius – Zodiac Predictions

New Moon In Sagittarius - Zodiac Predictions

For the general predictions of this important and magical New Moon and lunar circle, click here.

Predictions for Aries:

All your magical and metaphysical abilities are getting stronger and more capable during this lunar circle. Therefore, this is good period to develop those abilities of yours you already have, and also to acquire more such abilities. For the latter, investigating and studying is better until the 23rd of the month. Magic for fame and for success in business, studies, or whatever you are interesting in being successful is the most promising of all. Artistic and other creative talents can also be developed now.

On the other hand, your psychology is a little sensitive. Events, and, even more, what people say, or think about you can affect you greatly. Supportive people will make your day and motivate you to be creative and successful. Negative opinions can depress you. Try to consciously support yourself in a daily bases, and do not let any negativity to affect you.

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But the main focus of this period is the creation of success. Starting your own business (preferably after the 23rd of December), promoting and making your existing business more successful, as well as making a name in your current line of work are all possible. Finding a new, satisfactory, job, also. For all these, you receive support as well. People may appear in your life to give you a helping hand. In some cases, even a (potential) love interest can become a benefactor of yours.

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Predictions for Taurus:

This is a very social period in your lives. Given the season, socialising may be almost mandatory for many of you. And, if you are not seeking anything, then these family meetings will be pleasant enough. But, I’m not talking about that. Your social life becomes more active, and you should make your best to make it so. Finding new friends, or new love interests can come through socialising. Promotion of your work or business can also come through socialising. Make sure you go out and have fun. Online type of socialising, also receives beneficial influences. At the very least, do that.

Love life is important for you, long time now, and it will remain so during this period. Until the 28th of the month, though, things quite down. Those in a relationship, will have a pleasant time with their special somebody. Problems in your relationships can be solved, too. Work on them. Those seeking a relationship, though, will have a better luck after the 28th of the month. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should relax until then. Creating the conditions of this good luck is up to your hands as well. Work on creating these conditions until then. And, all things considered, even until then, it’s not an inauspicious period for you. It’s simply less dynamic.

All kinds of studies and learning, philosophy, literature and any job or hobby that engage the mind and creativity will receive a great amount of blessings during this period. Business based on the internet also receive many blessings. If your line of work, or dream work, falls on these areas, do your best during this period. Also, problems in business partnerships can be solved. This includes finding partners, if you are searching for some.

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Predictions for Gemini:

All work matters receive blessings during this period. This includes, establishing your own business, finding a new job, solving problems in this aspect of your lives, but not only these. Financials also can become better, but there, healing is stronger than growing. This means, clearing off any debts, cutting unnecessary expenses, finding better deals for whatever you want to purchase, or do and things like those.

Psychological and physical health can be a affected during this period. Refer to the general predictions for more information on the subject. In addition, in your case, physical health in general receives healing energies. So, if you have problems there, expect them to get better. Sexual health, in particular, receives both beneficial and … challenging energies. Libido can be improved, and so can potency and drive. But venereal diseases and other problems of the genitals are also possible. Take good care of your hygiene and always play safe. Psychological health can be sensitive, though. In the same time, healing of problems there can produce exceptional results. So, take good care of your psychology and mood.

Sex life can become very satisfactory during this time. Once again, play safe. Sexual satisfaction is something you need, you seek and you attract. Singles can have more opportunities. Those in a relationship may try new things in bed. Platonic relationships may add the carnal satisfaction in the regime. Relationships with good chemistry in bed will have a nice time. Those without it, will face some problems. But satisfaction is a need of your in all aspects of your life. Work, friendships, romance, everything. Whatever offers you satisfaction gets better. Whatever doesn’t do so, is something you want to, or actually do, abandon. If you want to make progress to any area of your life, ask yourself, “What can I do to receive more satisfaction from this?” Then act accordingly.

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Predictions for Cancer:

To put it simple, whatever takes two, is blessed by this New Moon. Friendships, partnerships and most of all love affairs. Saturn’s entrance in your seventh Solar House sounds inauspicious for your love affairs (although this isn’t entirely true), but right now love is lucky and happy for both those in a relationship and those seeking one. In actuality, even if you are not seeking one, you seem to bewitch people around, naturally.

So, yes, all those aspects of your life will be lucky and happy during this period. You receive joy from your friends, partners and lovers, and you also offer joy to them. Existing problems can seemingly disappear. This doesn’t actually means they are getting solved though. If you think you can solve them right now, then please do. Otherwise, sooner or later, they will resurface, and probably under a less auspicious astrological scenery. So work with them now, when it’s easier. If there are no such problems, then enjoy the period. Regarding love, those in a relationship will have a nice time, while those seeking one, have very good odds to find a nice relationship. Whatever the case, enjoy yourself. Partying and entertaining will bring you good luck not only in love, but in every aspect of your life.

Studies and all kinds of learning receive some blessings too. Progress can be made there. If possible, work in pairs or groups. This way your progress will be easier, happier and greater. Jobs that make use of the rational mind, also receive blessings. Once again, if you can, join forces with a partner or a co-worker, or do whatever you have to do in groups. Of course, choosing these groups wisely is also important.

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Predictions for Leo:

Magic ability and magic sensitivity are both raised during this period. Grounding, spiritual protection and frequent purification can become very helpful. In the same time, though, creating miracles in your everyday life becomes easier. If you want to develop new metaphysical skills, practice with such kind of changes. Even if you want to practice your existing skills in order to better them, changing the situations in your everyday life can give you a great practice and also better your life, right now and in the long run as well.

Health is strong during this period. Existing problems get better. Your energy levels are high, too. Because of the great focus in the area, though, when there is temporary stress in this area of your life, be extra careful. Beautification and even anti-ageing are very promising, magically and non magically. If this is what you want to achieve, do whatever you need to do during this period. Empowering your libido and seductiveness are also very promising. Once again, both magically and physically.

Finally, work receives a great amount of blessings, too. Progress in the area can happen. Health, beauty and sex industries receive the most beneficial influences of all. Finding a job in these areas becomes easier. Starting your career or business there, is auspicious. Promoting your existing one, too. Money wise, correcting problems is more of a trend than raising your profit. Of course, if the latter is mandatory for the former, it can also happen.

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Predictions for Virgo:

You seek, and should seek, happiness. The stars also demand from you to be happy. Of course, this demand occasionally can manifest in an unpleasant way. Whatever reduces your happiness may become very vivid. But this happens for you to correct it and not for you to get discouraged. So heal and correct such problems and be happy.

Social life, and enjoying your social life, can bring progress in all areas of your life, including love and work. Bonding with friends, co-workers, siblings, lovers, clients, everyone builds a better today and a better future. Connect! Jobs that have great amount of interactions with other people will be the busiest and the luckiest. Partnerships fall under the same influence, so bettering your relationship with them is in order. Finding new partners, if you are looking for some, is also possible.

Love life receives some extra blessings than the ones already included in the previous paragraphs. Love brings you happiness and you bring – and should bring – happiness to your special someone. In a healthy relationship, the more joy you offer, the more joy you’ll receive. Problems can find their solution through enjoyment, too. Keep this in mind. Singles can get lucky and find interesting relationships. Also, relationships that offer joy can evolve in the speed of a lightning. If this happens, don’t try to slow down the pace. Instead, enjoy it and be thankful.

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Predictions for Libra:

Your family and the people you regard as family will be in the centre of your attention during this period. Creating better foundations in your relationship with these people is something that can happen. Needless to say that in some cases, especially when this area of your life receives stressful aspects from the Moon, the problems in your relations may become more obvious and… unpleasant. This, though, happens for you to realise them and heal them. Not to get disappointed or discouraged. Also, health issues of family members will be improved.

Home can also become important during this period. Moving to a new residence, renovating, or redecorating your current place of living and things like those can happen. And they are auspicious, too. If you want to do such things and you haven’t planned for those, try to schedule them during this period, if possible.

Raising your profit by changing your tactics is possible. Investing money in a better way can be one of the ways. Work doesn’t seem easy, or relaxed, but it seems profitable. Real estate business can become extremely busy, and they also receive the most blessings regarding making profit. Interior design, too. But whatever your job is, if you work from home, you’ll be of the luckiest ones. What you consider as home and base, gives you power and good luck.

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Predictions for Scorpio:

You have a great amount of energy and good luck coming from the inside and feeding all aspects of your life. With Mars and Jupiter in conjunction with each other in your zodiac this is to be expected. Whatever you want to achieve, this is a period to hunt it! What is the most important thing in your case is to keep a positive and optimistic mindset. If you adopt a negative one, Mars and Jupiter will make sure to give you an excess of your desired negativity. So, do pay attention!

Friends, acquaintances, siblings, sibling figures and co-workers can be very helpful and supportive. People you know can open the doors, or help you open them, to whatever you desire. Them, or people they know can become the keys to realise your desires. And this includes love life as well. A friend, or a friend’s friend, or someone like this, can become your new love partner. But even more, being with friends fuels your optimism and positive thinking, and as we’ve seen, this is the most important factor for this period.

Works where you have a personal interaction with the clients can become very lucky. This interaction can even be via phone or mail, as long as it feels personal. Whether you promote products, or services, what matters the most is how you sell yourself. Although this was mostly meant as a figure of speech, if you are actually the “product”, then you can have a brilliant and very profitable period.

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Predictions for Sagittarius:

Saturn leaving your zodiac is certainly a good thing for you. You feel lighter and happier, and things are becoming this way that can support these feelings. And during this lunar circle this change will be very obvious. For the most sensitive, even before Saturn actually leaves Sagittarius. Financials, though, will be now under Saturn’s jurisdiction and therefore, they can become a little problematic and stressful. But this is not the case during this lunar month, with the exception of the occasions when the Moon will stress Saturn.

Therefore, this is a good time to do your best for your financials. There is much luck on the field. Not the gambling kind of luck, though. Finding a better job, raising your sales, finding a complementary income, and any way that can better your financial status receives good luck and beneficial influences. This includes correcting your financial policies, and reducing unnecessary expenses. Do your best in this direction now that everything is auspicious and Saturn lies low.

Intuition, empathy and imagination are also strong. Works and occupations based on those can become very profitable during this period. At the very least, very productive and successful. Psychologist, psychiatrists, mediums, diviners and artists are just some examples. But as these talents are stronger and more productive, now, engaging them in whatever you do can bring good luck, success and probably more profit.

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Predictions for Capricorn:

If there is a zodiac for which everything can go well this lunar month, this is obviously you. Things are not necessarily perfect, but you can make them so. Other than the Moon, which occasionally press some stress on your sign, only Uranus is in odds with you. Every other planet supports you. So, yes, you can make anything happen during this period. Some things may happen without your effort, others, though, will need it. But working towards your goals now, will help you achieve them with less effort.

Saturn entering your zodiac should not scare you. At least not for now. Saturn is generally kinder toward you, and right now is in a very good mood. So you’ll see mostly its good face. But as it will remain in your zodiac for three years, it may worth trying to bribe it. Right now, though, it helps you materialise your wishes and turn your goals into reality. A combination of magic, meditation and mundane-world-effort will bring the best results. Above all, this lunar month heals, empowers and helps you. For the first two, sometimes, facing your weaknesses, or problems may be necessary. However unpleasant this may be, receive it as an advice about what you mostly need to heal.

So, repeating, everything is possible for you and all aspects of your life receive beneficial influences. Only family can be a little unsettling. Self development, self healing and self expression, socialisation both in the outer world and on the internet, as well as all kinds of trade, are the aspects of your life that receive the greatest amount of beneficial influences. Regarding trade, after the 23rd of December, things will become even better. Business unrelated to trade, also receive beneficial influences, of course. Just not as many.

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Predictions for Aquarius:

Psychologists, diviners and similar jobs are probably the luckiest of this period. They will be much busier, too, but profitable. If you want to start working on these fields, do it now, and especially after the 23rd of December, when Mercury will be again in direct motion. Advertising yourself and business then on is also auspicious. Similarly, you may find yourself interested in visiting a psychologist, an diviner, or someone of a similar occupation. Odds are, you’ll make a good choice.

Even if your line of work has nothing to do with these subjects, engaging empathy, intuition and inspiration to whatever you do, will advance your progress and better your luck. This way, money will also raise, too. Other than magic, do not focus in money. Focus in success and fulfilment. Practising and empowering your self-confidence will also bring profit, both immediately and, even more, in the long run.

Love life, for most of you, will be peaceful. If you are in a relationship, then it will be peacefully nice. If not, finding a new relationship is not generally favoured. There are no negative aspects, though. Just not much of a help. But spiritual and artistic groups can raise your possibilities. Love comes through spiritual connection, or through compatibility of imagination. With Mars in Scorpio, sexual attraction plays its part, but not a major one.

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Predictions for Pisces:

Internet and technology can be the main focus of this month for you. If you work or study something relative to these, then expect progress and success in your studies or work. Internet based business also receive much good luck. In addition, your high-tech equipment can be affected. Buying new such equipment is possible and auspicious. If you need to do it, do it now, but wait for Mercury to turn in direct motion on the 23rd of December. When the Moon stresses this aspect, though, malfunction or other problems of your equipment may appear. Regularly back up your important files, update your antivirus and do what else is suitable for your case.

Personal profiles and social media accounts can be promoted quite a lot during this period. You may create new such profiles, or take better care of your existing ones. Your activity there will bring you joy, but also it can open the doors for (future) success in every aspect of your life. This includes work and love life. If you want to promote a professional account, making it more personal will help the promotion. Therefore, whenever this is applicable, let the people find out the person behind the business.

Artists, though, and especially of literature, drawing, sketching and similar arts can become much more well known through internet, or other means of advertisement. Those who sell art or manage artists, also receive this influence. If you belong to such a group, do your best with your online activity. Finally, taking part in contests, as well as trying to publish your work are both auspicious.

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Astrology and Magic:

Magic is strong during this waxing Moon, but magic that intends to give specific and immediate results is even stronger. Also, talismans, perfumes, filters and potions for every reason are very strong and capable.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Moon of the Wizards, the Sorcerers and the Witches!

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