Are you a Born Healer? Do you have the magical capacity to heal others around you? Well to answer that, we probably need to talk more about what is a healer and what is the disease.
What is a Disease?
According to ancient philosophies, a disease, is actually very often merely a manifestation of Spiritual imbalances. Why? Because simply anything that has been materialized in this World, first existed in the Spirit Plane. Even We, ourselves, existed long before we were born. We were Souls wondering the abundant Realms, so we have history. According to the same philosophies, all cures also pre-exist in the Spirit Plane.
Once we are born, we interact with spiritual currents, we collect experiences and we exchange energy. Everything we can think of is affected by the Spirit Plane. Interestingly, the same thoughts can influence back and shape the same Realm.
School of Witchcraft. Lesson 1: What We Think We Become
Our thoughts, our fears and our desires shape our future. This is simply because anything we think, begins to create a ‘spirit form’ in the Spirit Plane. The more we think about it, the stronger this ‘spirit form’ becomes. Now this is the tricky part. If we keep on thinking about it, fear it, or desire it, this ‘spirit form’ becomes so dense and strong that starts to materialize in our Physical Plane.
In other Words, what we Think, we Become! Fears, desires and all our emotions and thoughts have an impact on our aura. And of course, don’t forget the Karma. You have not lived just one life. Many of the things you live right now, is just a result of the Ripple Effect, caused by your actions from a Past Life. Hence, some of our diseases are just a result of our 1. thoughts, 2. fears and 3. karma.
Are You a Born Healer?
What is a Healer? Well let’s say something important first: Healers are our Medical Doctors who try to learn the laws of physics and biology in order to comprehend our physical body and cure it. In Magical Recipes Online we actually believe that Medical Doctors are the first you should ALWAYS consult when you face health issues. Even if the disease is a result of a spiritual problem, your Life comes first, and your body may not have much time. Go to your doctor FIRST. This is extremely important. Any spiritual, magical or alchemical procedure you will follow, should never go against your doctor’s advice.
But Healers are not always only the Medical Doctors. Although any doctor may also be a Born Healer, there are many people out there who just possess the ability to cure the ones around them, just by being there. Numerous accounts of remarkable healings have been documented throughout millennia. These are the people we are talking about in this article.
- 9 Signs You a Born Healer:
1. You are Wounded
Chiron, in astrology is the symbol of an ultimate healer. In Greek Religion, Chiron was a powerful and wise Centaur who could heal anyone and anything. Ironically, he got wounded and died because of the anxiety, the poisoned arrow caused him.
This story wants to tell us that once we recover from a ‘dark time’ we become stronger and wiser. In the ancient religion, it was believed that one who got bitten by a snake, could cure other with snakebites. Of course this is a symbolic.
Have you recovered from a ‘very dark time’? Have you been healed from a difficult disease, accident or emotional wound? This is the first sign. You somehow managed to call upon the forces of Healing in order to recover. This means you could summon these forces again.
2. You Feel Awakened
We live in a World of deception. A Born Healer has somehow been through an awakening phase. Despite what others do, a born Healer has been awakened because of a remarkable experience. Although, this awakening is not always easy or desirable it’s somehow strong enough to make us realize the Truth which is hidden in this world.
A Born Healer sees or feels the energy which runs inside of us all. This Vital Energy which some call Chi, Prana or simply… Magic, is everywhere. Healers know that. This energy can revive anything if focused and directed properly.
3. You are an Empath
Empaths are people who are very sensitive to the energies/vibrations that surround them, both thoughts and emotions, of other people, animals, plants and even that of spirits. This sensitivity seems to stem from the ancient belief that everything is connected therefore it is easier for some people to make this happen- tap into the energies that surround us and become one with them. Here you can learn more about Empaths – and if you are one.
In other words, you instinctively feel what others feel. You are connected with this unseen web of energy like communicating vessels. Exactly because of this ability you can ‘connect’ with other’s energy system and alter it.
4. Strangers Open Up to You Easily
Probably, exactly because of your empathic abilities, strangers love to open up to you and talk about your problems. The fact that someone decides to talk to you about a problem is part of healing too. Every healer that ever lived knows about the healing effects of discussion and human communication. When other people ‘dump’ their heavy emotional baggage to you, they just begun healing themselves. It’s when they decide to get rid of their negativity (of course this also means that you should find a way not to be affected by it).
The Throat Chakra – which rules communication – is also rules by Mercury – Hermes. This is the God of Healing and Communication in the Ancient World.
5. You are Close to Nature
Natural healers are by definition close to nature. Born healers love to walk in nature, enjoy the sound of running water and stay close to animals and trees. Of course this works great for healers as they also have the chance to ground themselves and abolish negativity or excessive energy.
Nature is the source of vital energy. Those who tap into it’s power, Rule the forces of life and death.
6. You Attract Animals on your Path
This amazing ability might seem pretty random, but if you think of it, it’s legit. Do animals seem to follow you when you walk alone? Are cats, dogs, birds or other animals attracted to you? This probably means that you radiate energy which is visible to these creatures.
Like ‘Fairy Doctors’ who always been accompanied by animals, born healers are usually followed by animals, which actually somehow help or guide them.
7. You Come from a Line of Healers
Like Witches, who sometimes descend from a Bloodline of Pure magic, some healers (which may also be witches of course) descend from a line of people who loved to cure others. These ancestors may not be born healers but they somehow influence their children to help others.
Have you been raised to help others? Your Karma may pushed you to be born in this family and awaken in you the Will to heal and help others.
8. You Actually Want to Help
Maybe this is one of the most important signs. If you somehow feel the urge to help, then you will probably find a way to do it. We become what energies we attract. Hence if you’ve always wanted to help others, you will certainly succeed.
9. You have the Healers Mark

This ‘Birth Mark‘ shows your capability to transfer and alter energy around you. Can you Find it?
So tell us. Do you feel you are Born Healer?