Daily Predictions for Friday, 19 January 2018

Daily Predictions for Friday, 19 January 2018

Daily Predictions for Friday, 19 January 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today the Moon from Aquarius squares Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio. Then the Moon starts a void of course period from 11:51 until 20:26 UT, when it enters Pisces.

So, this is going to be a stressful day. In the same time, though, it will be a very powerful magical day. So, use your magic and meditation to make it a better, or even good day. With so capable and flexible spiritual energies, everything is possible.

Taurus, Leo and probably Virgo will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Aquarius, Scorpio and then Pisces will be the ones facing the most stress.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

Take a very good care of yourself today. Your mood is easily affected by the circumstances and people’s opinions and feelings. This effect is stronger regarding negative feelings than positive ones. So, constantly support and encourage yourself.

Read here Aries’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Business partnerships will receive the most stress. Try to keep your cool and avoid unnecessary conflict. Also don’t hastily run into decisions. Law may also stress you, especially if there are existing problems.

Read here Taurus’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Work, or whatever you consider as your work, even if it doesn’t provide you with an income, can stress you today. If you are a student’s this stress may come from aspects of your life unrelated to your studies, as well. Also, avoid unnecessary travelling.

Read here Gemini’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

You are easily annoyed, stressed, or irritated today. Sometimes, the reason is, or seems to be, insignificant, but it affects you significantly. Keep thinking happy thoughts and be patient. This influence won’t last for long, after all.

Read here Cancer’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Your spouse, or partner may stress you today. This can be cause either by problems between the two of you, or by problems that stress one of you. If the latter is the case, do not take it out on your other half. This may hurt the relationship more than you realise.

Read here Leo’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Work can become quite stressful. Jobs related to communications or transportations will be more affected by this. Also, pay a little more attention on your health. Especially of the respiratory system and the legs.

Read here Virgo’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Your kids, if you have any, can stress you today. Loved ones, and even more if you usually take care of them, can do the same. Them, probably, not as much. Spending money and then regretting it, or regretting money you previously spent, is still a tendency of yours. Therefore, avoid spending unnecessarily and realise that you have nothing to gain by regretting previous deeds.

Read here Libra’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Family can stress you, irritate you, or both. If the relationships in the family are not good enough, then today can cause even more troubles. Small accidents and damages are also possible, especially in home. Spiritually schedule this day to be a good one. Your ability to do that is also affected by the day, but this in a beneficial way.

Read here Scorpio’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Friends, siblings and, in some cases, co-workers too will cause you some stress today. Misunderstanding what the tell you, or them misunderstanding you can be the cause of it. In some cases you may also read to much in something. Try to avoid things like those.

Read here Sagittarius’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Electric and electronic devices can be problematic today. Some may need repairs or replacement. If the latter is the case, if possible, avoid the void of course period to buy new ones. Trade can also be stressful and problematic today.

Read here Capricorn’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

This can become a very stressful day for you, as your mind creates stressful thoughts. Some external causes can help the procedure, but they won’t play the main role. So, relax, meditate, and think pleasant, positive and optimistic thoughts.

Read here Aquarius’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

This day can be very healing for you, but it gives you the information you nee in an unsettling way. Your thoughts and some situations make your weaknesses, your fears and your insecurities too clear to you. Unpleasant as it may be, take notice of what you realise and start healing it.

Read here Pisces’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Astrology and Magic:

As said in the general section, this is a very potent magical day. Energies are fast moving, powerful and flexible. Therefore, all magic that intends to have immediate results is very promising. Mind the void of course Moon period, though.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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