Daily Predictions for Friday, 26 January 2018

Daily Predictions for Friday, 26 January 2018

Daily Predictions for Friday, 26 January 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Taurus forms a triangle with each Pluto and Mercury, both in Capricorn. It also opposes Jupiter in Scorpio. Then it enters a void of course period from 03:17 until 17:40 UT. Then from Gemini, it opposes Mars in Sagittarius.

The most significant astrological event of the day, though, happens at 12:56 UT, when Mars exits Scorpio and enters Sagittarius.

So, this day starts as a quite good day, but as it proceeds more stress is built. Most of Asia and Australia will avoid the most of the stress, while America will “enjoy” it to the fullest. Avoid travelling, if possible, and drive extra safely, if you drive.

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Taurus, Capricorn, and then Virgo will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Gemini, Sagittarius and probably Aries will probably be the ones facing the most stress.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Trade, mental activities and jobs, and also, communications, transportation and probably travelling all receive some amount of stress and tension. Avoid unnecessary brawls and keep yourself calm as much as possible.

Additionally, read Aries’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Money matters receive some focus. Most of it in a stressed way. This isn’t necessarily a purely bad kind of focus, but loses and unexpected expenses are possible. If you have financial problems, then today you may feel overwhelmed by them. Keep an optimistic mindset.

Additionally, read Taurus’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

You may feel some stress building up inside you. In some cases without you being able to identify the external cause. Avoid taking it out on your spouse, partner, business partners or other important people of your life.

Additionally, read Gemini’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Health, both physical and psychological, is a little sensitive today. Fever, high blood pressure, anxiety, stress disorders and similar conditions are those receiving the most stressful energies. If you have such issues, take the best care of your self today.

Additionally, read Cancer’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Trade can be a little problematic today. If you are a customer avoid risky orders and big purchases. If you are the seller, make sure you’ll take proper care of the orders. Also, there is a great energy for expansion of business of this kind, but it is rich in stress. So, proceed carefully.

Additionally, read Leo’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Bringing harmony between yourself and the world, your wishes and the actual events and situations, and things like those occupy your mind today. In most cases it won’t be easy to achieve these, but in all cases it’s a good cause, so go for it.

Additionally, read Virgo’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Studies and other jobs of the mind, communications, transportations, and their means of and also travelling, receive some stressful energies. Keep yourself calm and your schedule as flexible as possible.

Additionally, read Libra’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Don’t rush in expenses today, whenever it’s possible. Unexpected expenses and loses are also possible to happen. Jobs and services of sexual nature aren’t satisfactory both for those offering and for those receiving these services.

Additionally, read Scorpio’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Your spouse, current love, business partners and other important people of your life can cause you some stress or irritation. In some cases, law can also do the same. Try to keep your cool and not to get overwhelmed by it. It will calm down.

Additionally, read Sagittarius’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Health receives some stressful energies. This is true both for physical and psychological health. Blood, digestive system, temperature, stress and all health aspects of the Fire Element are affected the most. In the same time, work can be very busy. Sometimes meaninglessly so, but in most cases, productively so.

Additionally, read Capricorn’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Computers, phones and similar devices can work improperly today. Trade can also be stressful. Using dating services, online or not, for finding a new love seems today more stressful than fulfilling. But, if you do find somebody, then this can be a very interesting meeting.

Additionally, read Aquarius’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Home, family, yourself, and everything we call you “roots” or “foundations” can be in odds with the world around you and your dreams. Bridge the gap and do your best to enjoy both sides of your life.

Additionally, read Pisces’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Astrology and Magic:

Fire element magic is an unwise choice for today, so avoid it, unless you are an expert. Other than that, most wish fulfilling magic, is strong. Meditative techniques and techniques that involve the help of spirits, are also capable. And yes, simple and plain prayer is an example of the latter.



That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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