Daily Predictions for Sunday, 28 January 2018

Daily Predictions for Sunday, 28 January 2018

Daily Predictions for Sunday, 28 January 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today the Moon from Gemini forms a hexagon with Uranus in Aries. It also forms a square with Chiron in Pisces. Then it enters a void of course period from 10:40 until 18:58 UT. Then it rests in Cancer.

Coincidently, Mercury from Capricorn accurately forms two aspects today with the same planets Moon does. It forms a square with Uranus in Aries and a hexagon with Chiron in Pisces. This activity of Mercury in combination with the Lunar Eclipse’s energies forces changes to happen, although not necessarily pleasantly so, and forces karmic events also to happen. These aspects are active since the 22nd of the month and they will be active until Imbolc/Candelmas. Today, though, they are at their strongest point.

So, this is going to be an interesting day. Relatively calm, yet significant events can happen.

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Gemini, Aries and then Aquarius will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Pisces, Libra and in some cases Virgo will be the ones facing the most stress.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Dream world, omens and visions can be very revealing today. Pay attention to them. This influence will be stronger if you actually ask for such messages and omens. Understanding a way you can better yourself is also something that can happen, mostly through your interactions with other people.

Additionally, read Aries’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Try changing your routine, or little habits today. Your inner self wants to initiate a change, and creating such small changes can both help yourself do what wants to do and also help you realise the direction your changes need to lead you. Focusing on solving your financial issues, or improving you financial situation can help you make changes that will better your life in many ways.

Additionally, read Taurus’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Quite a good day to express yourself. Especially those aspects of yours you usually tend to suppress. Changing your social media profiles, or creating new ones, are both auspicious. Professional profiles can be more challenging than personal ones.

Additionally, read Gemini’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Psychics, mediums, psychic healers and similar professionals can have an interesting day concerning their job. It will be a good thing, but not necessarily in the form of a profit. Psychotherapist can also have similar happenings. Students of the same subjects, though, should be watchful.

Additionally, read Cancer’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Beneficial, although in some cases inconvenient too, changes regarding your schools, studies, or studying schedule can happen. Those expecting test results, interview results, or similar things should expect a good outcome. In some cases, an unexpectedly good one.

Additionally, read Leo’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Magic about your work and career is very promising today. Set success as your target, though, rather than profit. Success and satisfaction may come from your work in actuality, too. Once again, this doesn’t necessarily mean an actual profit.

Additionally, read Virgo’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Lawyers and similar professions receive very beneficial energies. In some cases they will manifest in a stressful way, but the final outcome will be good. Long distance relationships also receive very nice energies, but be patient with communication problems that may occur.

Additionally, read Libra’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Your sexual energy is strong, and so, both your seductiveness and your self-confidence are strong. These can help you promote your love life and your professional life. If you have sex related health issues, this is a good day to face them, deal with them, and either overcome them, or start doing so.

Additionally, read Scorpio’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

This is a good to very good day for love matters. If you are seeking for a new love, then you’ll feel this influence even more strongly. For those in a relationship, out of the bed enjoyment can help your relationship more than the in bed kind of it. This is true both for relationships facing problems, and for those which are problem free.

Additionally, read Sagittarius’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Taking care of your place of living or working can help you cleanse your mind and organise your thoughts. Do that, if you need to take important decisions. Also, health issues in the family receive beneficial energies.

Additionally, read Capricorn’s Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Spending time with your friends, your kids, you love, or other important people of your life can give you much joy, today. It can also improve your mentality and mood in a much deeper and more permanent way than you thought of.

Additionally, read Aquarius’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

This can be a lucky day if you are selling a house, or anything similar to that. Of course, those working in real estate will be benefited from the same aspect. Acquiring a new home or place of work is also auspicious. But, choose wisely, as you may find more than one tempting places and not all of them are good for you.

Additionally, read Pisces’ Annual Horoscope for 2018

Astrology and Magic:

Wish manifestation, changing of luck and all forms of cleansing are strong today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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